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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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On 8/29/2018 at 9:53 PM, tazzanz said:

What is up with people that forum having threads 30 pages long, consisting of no mods. But just complaining about everything wrong about the car, and taking pics when they wash it lmao.



I like the "only ever hand wash" posts followed with the "for sale" pics taken at the rub'n'rough coin operated booths

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Just do it online. I have done 4 in the last month. Easy peasy....


On 8/31/2018 at 10:08 PM, Puffwagon said:

Fark me. New impact screwdriver gets 4 farken hits total on 2 different screws which destroys the phillips bit entirely. Hooray for a 70 odd km round trip to replace it tomorrow.

Do you reckon, phillip will , refund or replace. 

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15 hours ago, Ford Freak said:

the days of going into a telstra store to change your phone plan now requires a flukking booking wtf

They are trying to copy what the apple store does, but I doubt that they have as many customers.

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  • To Loud
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Murphy's law.


Went to fuel up last night. on the way to the petrol station. stopped at a set of light and what rolls up next to me?

Lotus Elise S of course. what else would I be expecting. Murphy's law kicks in and says, you clutch is being run in. Do not give it sh*t.

I sit in my car yelling and cursing at Murphy the Kunt. Surely the guy next to me must of heard it all.

Took off slowly..... while the lotus smoked it....... :'(


On my way home. stop at a set of light and an RS4 rolls up next to me. ready to rock and roll.

I start cursing again and yelling at murphy the kunt.

He smoked it off the line. :'(

I been waiting for ages to line up at the lights with an exotic or something else besides a common whore.

had to be when I am running in my clutch. FFS.

End rant.

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It always seems to happen when you know your car is fast and the other person just never gets a taste... Oh well, at least you got to see two other cars go fast really close to you...





Dashcam footage? :stirthepot:

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  • To Loud
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Grabbed the sd card. Put it into its adaptor. Started up the old laptop. Ran the blackvue software and tried to export the file. Went to save it to a local folder, then minimize software and browsed to folder. No exported file to upload to youtube. Mmmmmmm

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