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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Puff
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In fairness though that was after a day of tuning. I'd probably get about 500 on the hwy if I drove normally but who tunes for e85 to drive normally?! Farken not me lol :launch:

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 23d
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8 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

who tunes for e85 to drive normally?! Farken not me lol :launch:




Went up to the RMS this afternoon to renew my licence, went through the online palaver to find that I was unable to renew it.


Customer service checked, turns out I have an unpaid fine. I'm absent-minded as sh*t sometimes but couldn't for the life of me recall getting anything lately.

Wait for my turn at the counter, they can't tell me what it's for, only the amount.


So I call NSW Revenue / SDRO and get an old duck who informs me that on the 1st May I apparently was caught travelling from Liverpool train station to Glenfield station without a ticket. News to me since I haven't used a train in over 2 years. Had my name and DOB correct, but comes to my address and it doesn't match, she asks me if I've ever lived at xx xxxx Ave Glenfield?

Erh... no but I'll file that away for future reference TVM.


Turns out some khunt has somehow got my details, couldn't get confirmed whether he/she had my licence number or not.


Got the restriction lifted ok, just have to provide some proof of my whereabouts on that date when I get a new letter from them.


Can't work out how in this day and age someone can just give verbal details regardless of whether they have no other ID, and it gets taken as fact, unless of course they've turned it into a fake licence but with the system being central you think it'd show up straightaway as a fail?


Anyone on here know anything about the whole process? 


Not hopeful it's a genuine address but will pay a visit to Glenfield in the near future I'm thinking.

Edited by camo86T
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