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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • XR50T
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I'm just so devastated :( I just want to enjoy it
I know this feeling.
My ute has that many problems I'm pretty much over it.
Diff farked, speedo + abs farked cos farked diff.
Axle tramps worse than when it had leaf springs, rear wheels are getting 2" airborne FFS. Have a few ideas on fixing that one but so much for a 4 link fixing tramp.
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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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I'll put my hand up for the test drives then


Needs moar kays

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  • Puff
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What is pissing me off  >:(


Drags are rained out in August and then the bloody day is moved from Sunday to Saturday last weekend with no farken mention on the website that the Sunday was cancelled. Not everyone in the world is hooked up to faceballs by their arse! Now the drags this weekend are labelled as TBC on the website and there is no update on their fb page.


I've pretty much only driven my car to tune it for the last 4 weeks considering there is no e85 near me and I'm saving it to go to the track. It looks like I'll be waiting until December at this rate. It's a waste of expensive fuel to run e85 with country distances so that means I either have to fark around changing the car back to 98 and swap it back later or just not farken drive it for the next few months.


First world problems to be sure but still...



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  • Puff
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  • Member For: 10y 1m 6d
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  • Location: South Australia

There are water and rust considerations especially coming into the end of winter when it is still raining a fair bit and the humidity is fairly high. The fuel in the car now is only about a week old as I bought a couple of jerries when I filled up to make the most of going to the servo.


If there isn't a day until December then I'll just remove the half a tank that is in there and run 98 until then. A pita but such is life.

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