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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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27 minutes ago, Frederick said:

All I got from that was you made yourself some ripped denim shorts




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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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It's the gold exhaust that you can't see pushing the price up

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Baby's teething, I've slept 45 mins in two days, feeling sorry for myself.....
so I dumped the kids at mums for an hour to go get a massage.
Thinking how tiring and hard it is ATM I'm in my own little bubble walking into the shops and a man comes up with a soft voice and asks me if I'd swap a couple coins (a 10c and a 5c) for a cup of coffee or a sandwich.
I say no sorry I'm busy, and keep walking.

Literally I stop dead in the middle of the road and turn around and walked back.
I gestured the man over, I asked where he was living at the moment, he said on the street.
I asked if he did drugs, he replied no, I actually believed him. (I'm somewhat familiar with the demeanour of addicts, but really I just hoped he wasn't)
He didn't smell of alcohol or anything, he just looked like he hadn't eaten in ages.
So I told him to come with me, I asked him to wait outside the shop door and I went to the ATM, drew out $20, gave it to him and told him to please get something to eat for the next two days.
The look of astonishment was all over his face.

Then I walked into the massage place almost in dis belief of what I'd done myself.
Then I started to cry.
It dawned on me more than ever today. I don't consider myself a bad person, I don't think I'm any more selfish than the next person, but then again maybe that's still too selfish.

Here I am with my Michael Kors bag, oroton sunnies, $100 ripped jeans and about to get a massage because I'm so tired and sore from a few days of no sleep thinking of throwing my kids off the bridge coz they're driving me nuts.... and this man just wants something to eat and a shower.
I don't feel sorry for having nice things because I work hard for them, but I also don't nearly consider how others are doing unless it's happening to someone I know.

In hind sight I wish u had of sat down and had a coffee with him. Perhaps the interaction would have done better than the $20 and ensured that he ate something, I don't know.

But either way I feel both so humbled but like such a sh*t Karnt. Every day we just live in our bubbles and don't even notice others and their problems.
Yes I know they exist, doesn't mean I do anything about it or I even take more than 30 seconds to register it.
No it's not coz I'm intentionally selfish or because I don't care as such, I just chose to be ignorant tbh.

I'm pissed at myself for not appreciating what I have every second of every day.
I have the two most precious things on this planet and I take them for granted because they drive me up the wall.
I know that this is probably normal of most parents and I know most of us get wrapped up in our own lives at some point and I'm the first person to say I hate it when people can't see outside their own box.
It just really hit me today that I am so lucky to have the people I have in my life and also the ability to buy what I want (within reason), stock my pantry with food, drive a nice new car and come home to 4 sturdy walls and sleep comfortable in my bed.

I donate to charity, I put in boxes and buy raffle tickets and all that jazz but I don't really know or see where the money goes as such.

No matter how much good I did for that man today but helping him hopefully have a meal, he did way more for me!!!

I cried the whole drive home and I've never hugged my boys so tight when I got back I can tell you that!

*damn hormones

I'm dyslexic and cannot turn off simple functions in tapatalk

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  • To Loud
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I feel for you fluff cause I know how it feels and it ain't hormones.

Lack of sleep will cause depression to.


Now stop doing all this tear jerking stuff and get some sleep would ya!!

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  • XR50T
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So has anyone else had a certain unnamed brand of 1500cc injectors decide to leak fuel out the connector socket?

Spent a few arvos this week chasing a mad idle issue. Code said it was coil no 2 so I changed all coils and plugs as its just gone 100k km. No luck so I've changed the crank position sensor and again no luck.

I let it idle for a while and notice a fair decent amount of fuel coming from the socket of the no 2 injector. Coils were due but FFS injectors should be lasting a lot longer than 13k or so km.

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