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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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I could kill a human. Who deserves it. 

Everything has feelings and if I can see them it's safe. But I can block that sh*t out when it comes to KFC or maccas. It's just food. I don't associate that with the chicken clucking in my backyard... boo there's no chickens in my backyard. 

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  • Puff
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I worked in a chicken farm once. I snapped 10 to 50 chicken necks a day then buried them with a tractor.


Australian chicken farming isn't humane for many reasons.


Ya ever see a chicken run over by a forklift or walking around with it's guts hanging out it's arse cos it got tripped over or stomped on from a careless employee?


I've seen first hand a dude boot a chicken for a field goal and the manager all the way to the owner doesn't give a fark.


It's all about the money and the demand is there.


All of the major chicken retailers/outlets in Australia buy Aussie farmed chicken.


It's clear the chickens have some feelings as they still go through the infantile playing stages as they grow up. It's kinda cute. They are also scared to go outside initially when you open the doors for them to "free range". After a while about half of them run outside when they get used to it.


The books are doctored so the farms can stay open.


After approx 40 days from birth they are caught and processed. They are live creatures that are running for their life in the dark (blue light) before they get caught and thrown into a cage often with broken legs.


Here's a tip that most people won't know; the difference between quality chicken and cheap chicken is just the type of feed they receive.


I still eat chicken but I'm under no illusions where it comes from.

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Fark bro that's heavy. 

I wouldn't eat it after going through that. Actually I probably would because I'd block that out. 

We wouldn't eat most things if we knew where it came from. 


Here's one of our girls Peggy. 



yep that's her on our leather lounge. She was trying to steal my bourbon. 

We came home from a holiday and found her stuck between 2 fence panels and she couldn't walk on one leg hence the name Peggy. She stayed inside and lived on protein shakes for a month till she could walk again. Even laid her first egg inside.

This is our 16 year old we had a few years ago



Pretty sure they lived the high life here. 

Heaps of pics for keef :spoton:

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  • Puff
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Haha looka dem buck bucks.


That top chook looks like one of mine. She's a bit darker.


The bottom chook looks like my other one. She's a bit older, fatter and lighter coloured than her sister.


My light coloured chook likes to be picked up and have a pat every now and then.

Edited by Puffwagon
Added the word "coloured" at the top.
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Pretty sure she's a rhode x New Hampshire. 

We had 4 of them, 3 Australorps (big black bitches) and 3 white leghorns. Leghorns were a bit crazy. 

We'll get more when we end up on the acreage. Along with the rest of Noah's ark if my family has their way haha! 

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  • Puff
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I'm still not totally sold on home grown veggies and chickens.


They taste miles better but they cost a little bit more to produce than bulk buying at costco or the local fruit and veg shop.


If I invest in a rainwater tank then I would come out in front eventually.

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  • Puff
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I've thought about it in passing but never put in the ground work to determine feasibility.


I have the room so I guess it can't hurt to look into it.

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  • skids
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duuude aquaponics is awesome.


definitely get into it. I don't know if I should steer it off topic but basically if its a leafy green it will work, anything that loves nitrogen. I have successfully grown eggplant and tomatos but the best ever is spinich and silverbeet.


spinich grown aquaponically is just the best. and I found you could have it and other plants exposed to more sunlight and it wouldn't wilt.


I know the exact ratio of fish for the grow bed size etc to get the best results as well as pump size etc but it has been a while since I have done it. I kinda want to start a system up now!

Edited by skidxr6t
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  • Puff
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Ok I'll take a look into it.


The missus is keen to get the garden going again and this could be a better way to do it.


I can use roughly 100m2 for vegetables without affecting other use of the backyard.


That should be good enough for a hydroponic greenhouse setup.  Haha people will think I'm growing weed.


If I follow through (I might not) it'll be like pantene, it won't happen overnight but it will happen.

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