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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Puff
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Well this didn't piss me off but the rest of the conversation is in this thread so whatever. 


The local electrician came out and is fixing it early next week.


Better yet his quote is very reasonable. 


In order to keep some relevance to the thread I'll post a wpmo today. 


The farken chickens insist on crapping on my back door step. Grrr. :chickenrun:

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  • Member For: 8y 9m 16d
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Just moved mine on to a chicken sanctuary. I want my grass back. Pisses me off that they killed it and now I don't get any eggs. 

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  • Puff
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You gave them away? 


I've gradually gone from 6 eggs a day down to nearly nothing over the last 3 years.


Now they just annoy me.


Not only do they crap on the doorstep but they also come inside to eat the cat food. It's not like they are lacking in pellets, water and food scraps either. 

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  • Member For: 8y 9m 16d
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Yeah puff gave them away. They went to a farm that saves chickens and they'll be re-homed. Ours didn't need saving but my grass did. 

If yours have stopped laying puff they're just wasting your money unless they're apart of the family. 

We had a rhode that was 16 and she used to pop one out every other week. 

I could never eat ours. They're pets not produce. Everyone suggested making chicken burger out of them but. 

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  • Puff
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One has stopped but the other lays one every 2nd day. The other 6 met their demise over the years due to age and heat. They're all isa browns.


They only cost about $20 a month so they can stay.


I have no trouble killing an animal humanely to eat.


Fortunately I'm not in the position where I have to.

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  • Puff
  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 10y 1m 6d
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  • Location: South Australia



I wouldn't hurt or kill an animal for fun but I try to keep an open mind if I choose to eat them or provide for my kin. 


This is going to sound dark by sjw standards but in my eyes everything has it's place and if it involves killing then so be it. 


We wouldn't have kfc or maccas without it. 


Look up a series on Netflix called 'meat eaters'.


You sound like a good man though, you appear to have respect for life. 

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