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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Proof you wrote it out and took an image. 


Doesn't prove you submitted it.  Should ALWAYS email.  Then you have proof


But you have an honest face SO I believe you. 

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Good point Azz but I dont use computers at work hate them and dont send email.


They were submitted because they got my other annual leave request but again still farked it up. 2 weeks cut back to 1 week back in Sept.

I bet they fark up next months leave also. 2 week start of march

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  • Puff
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Wpmo today; 


The consumer main in my house is about to fail. 


I have 3 phase power and last year a phase failed. No worries, just rewire it and run the house off one phase. 


Upon noticing some issues after the rain lately I decided to check the voltage. I haven't checked the street but the board is receiving 235 volts. 


With everything in the house off, the plugs are getting 220 volts. With the kettle on it drops to 190. 


After I switched on 4 hotplates on the stove, the kettle and one portable aircon unit, it dropped to 140 volts. 


I also noticed that when I boosted the controlled load the voltage came up on the other phase. 


Farken farkers farked.


If I still have power and don't wake up on fire tomorrow I'll be happy. 

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You're literally playing with fire there Nathan :ermm:


why do you think you're getting voltage drop ? I would get SAPN out ASAP as it's their problem to the meters and you may cook the insulation on the building wire melting potentially all the conductors together in the underground conduit as you're clearly overloading the conductor in the single phase configuration 

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  • Puff
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I rebuilt the board but the phase rewire was done by a qualified electrician.


The consumer main is in the roof in metal conduit. 


My guess is the roof is leaking onto it and shorting it out. 


Apart from potential appliance damage worse case scenario is blowing the main fuse from the street. I was joking about the fire, it's not just sitting in plastic. 


If I call sa power they'll just come and pull the fuses until I get it fixed. 


I'll be making phone calls in the morning to get it replaced. 


I don't suppose you want a cash job or can recommend someone?


I just checked the voltage again and it's currently (pun intended) 235 out the socket. That's with a couple of ceiling fans, 2 lights, modem, the tv, sound system, fridge and deep freeze running. 


I know it's farked but I don't think it's glowing. I still wouldn't climb in the roof space without pulling the street fuses. 

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SAPN will do work in domestic dwellings and at very realistic prices even out your way 


do you have the meters in the house still or on the exterior?


metal conduit, no thanks lol 

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There was an extension done out the back at some stage so the meters are inside. I have coffee with the meter man every 3 months. 


The house was built in 1946 and some of it is original. Although some circuits have been replaced there is still quite a lot of the cloth variety in there. 


My plan is to replace the consumer main asap then I'll map out the rest of the house to make plans for future upgrades including various fittings and appliances. 


I've already labeled everything behind the board to help with future work. 


Lol when I first climbed in the roof, back when I bought it, I saw the metal conduit and quickly climbed back out and pulled the fuses. 


I'll look into sa power doing repairs. Ain't nobody got time for getting fried.

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Fark electricity. It's scary sh*t. I had a mate wire up my free stand oven and he done it with the fuse in and his nifty Kevlar gloves. Fark that I say! 

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