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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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And here us Melbournians are appreciative of the sun actually coming out. Haha.
Me & Mrs BCB also appreciate the sun being out.
Mrs BCB said she would have slashed her wrists if it was 3 degrees and raining
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  • skids
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17 minutes ago, k31th said:

surely they'd catch methamphetamines...

clears out of your body within 12-24 hours.

pot is more like 3 days for somebody who hasn't got a tolerence, it quickly builds up from there to the point where you've gotta abstain for 30 days to pass a urine test.


One can get away with being high on meth for most of their break but cannot be high on pot for their break. You'd want a 24-48 hr break to be safe if you were getting on it heavily.

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8 minutes ago, Rab said:

until I was the car for that

But who was car?

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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So the hospital debarcle continues:

Old hospital said fast from midnight for my diabetes test ....

Well after going out for ice cream and dinner and a movie (the kids are down for holidays and we took them out) I thoight I was fine home by midnight, ice cream and lollies done lol.

Well nope it was fast from 10pm

So my fasting level is .1 above the required.
(However my levels after drinking the damn drink (1 &2 hours post) were both phemominally normal and my body processes the glucose no worries.

Luckily the new hospital seems understanding and have said theyre refering me but expect me to be sent back with a "no problems just keep an eye on it". But out of sheer curiosity I've been testing my blood sugars on my own accord coz mums a diabetic so I have a set to do so. And bang on ... even after consucting a "cookie dough" experiment (eating 1/4 if a roll of cookie dough bahah) I still had perfect levels and within 3 hours they returned to fasting levels.
Stupid freaking hospital.

On the upside the new hospital were utterly disgusted in the treatment id recieved (midwife even cracked a joke about reading the referal email and being stunned to not see a 150kg woman in the waiting room and being shocked when I stood up lol)
She ended up sneaking me into this program where they give me half the meds for my section so I can be up walking 4 hours or so post section and then go home the next morning and recieve all my midwife and doctors visits at home. Even a cleaner/care worker for the first week for 4 hours a day.

Means I only have to spend one night in hospital :)

Silver lining I guess :)

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  • WOT?
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Make sure you're happy before you leave and have all the meds etc you require

From my experience as soon as you're out the door you're out of their care/concern and back into the public system for any after treatment

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