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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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On 26/07/2016 at 5:02 PM, stubbietubbie said:

Getting f*cked around on delivery of things by two places. Both big expensive items that can't just be left at the doorstep or picked up at the post office. I'm back at work tomorrow and have no-one to sign/bring them inside.

One item's overdue, same for the other but shipping details indicate it's been sitting in the same spot some 50km since Friday morning. C*nts.


What's the bet they all rock up tomorrow and get sh*tty at me when I'm not there.


I would be p1ssed to mate. Even tracking numbers are crap I track a delivery once said it will be delivered today and still took day and half to get to my door.


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  • Filthy weeb
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Yeah, still nothing yet.


And I have to correct myself, it wasn't Friday morning, but Thursday morning, so that's an extra day sitting there, no call, no attempt at delivery, no email, nothing. Something's up and I'm probably going to have to call them myself and ask wtf is going in if they don't at least try to deliver it by this Friday.


F*cking Toll. Each and every time I've got something delivered through them (never my choice, some places stupidly insist on using them) they've f*cked me around something shocking. How they've stayed in business for this long staggers me. That estimated delivery of (last) Friday hasn't changed, nor has their online tracking, which has been the same for well over a week now. Still 'In Transit.'


Probably going to just cancel the fridge order too. They said 5-7 working days in my type of area (again, they have a store located in the same town my other thing's being held hostage) and we're way past that. Again, no phone call, email, nothing. I'd rather just live with the bar fridge I've been running the past two weeks since my main one sh*t itself than wait another two f*cking weeks since it was due to arrive.


I mean, really. I bought something from Japan and it arrived on my doorstep in four f*cking days. Four! That's the quickest I've had - it's usually a week from postage to arrival. The ultimate irony? I've recently found out that Toll is now owned by Japan Post, who I have a lot of EMS receipts of with their logo. Perhaps they should just shutter Toll and rename it Japan Post because when you can get something from a whole other country (currently) three times quicker then in your own, something is not the f*ck right.


God I hate being passive-aggressive.

Edited by stubbietubbie
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I tracked a parcel once waited all day heard the postie went out and there was a slip to pick up from the post office..........WTF!!

No attempt to deliver. I rang AUS POST and complained. They where pretty pissed. 

Can wait for new house I have camera's for proof.

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Haha I ordered bike wheels from the UK at 9pm on a Thursday and received them midday the next Tuesday. But it takes 2 weeks to send a birthday card to Adelaide from Canberra.

Toll have been the worst for me lately too. Dealing with them after a missed delivery is appalling. Ends up being easiest to collect from their depot, which misses half the point of buying it online in the first place.

Speed of mail delivery aside, I love it when places send Australia post. If you aren't home, it's just a quick trip to the local post office, which at our local shop is open late.

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Am going to have to go and get my eyes tested and finally admit that I'm overdue for glasses (getting old sucks) - have put it off for too long.


Anyone have an opinion on optometrists/shops etc?


Is there any difference between them or is it all pretty much the same?


Should I be looking for one that uses a particular tech or produces a better quality eyewear?


Anything in particular to keep in mind?


(am on full health insurance etc if that makes any difference)

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Am going to have to go and get my eyes tested and finally admit that I'm overdue for glasses (getting old sucks) - have put it off for too long.


Anyone have an opinion on optometrists/shops etc?


Is there any difference between them or is it all pretty much the same?


Should I be looking for one that uses a particular tech or produces a better quality eyewear?


Anything in particular to keep in mind?


(am on full health insurance etc if that makes any difference)

Just go to specsavers - maybe frames are slightly lower quality in the long run (ie my frames seem to get a bit tired after a few years in terms of plastic deterioration compared to expensive frames). But you get plenty of good choices and save HUNDREDS. Lenses seem good quality and after sales service is good. You'll probably get two pairs for not much out of pocket. And anyway, there's a good chance you will lose, step on or otherwise damage them after a couple of years or want new ones anyway, so longevity isn't too important.

Don't get the self-tinting ones because you look creepy. Anti-reflective coating is worth the 50 bucks or so.
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