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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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I'm a techy guy as well and have run forums with more members than this and I got no idea what the hell is going on to cause these problems?

it's funny, seems like you open a thread and wait five minutes and replies will appear haha!

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More members or more active members?

This forum software just needs tweaking to suit the content and methods used. 

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  • skids
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more of both.

I think one issue with this forum straight out is they let threads get too big. they should make them like 100 page maximum then do a part 2 and part 3 and so on. But then the f*cking around with replies thing has happened on my sorta build thread and im unable to post juicy updates that nobody cares much about probably but I want to post anyway.


like how I think I got a ported flapper on the turbo.....except the turbo on the car does not have this and was only recently changed.....


Edited by johnxr6t
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  • MattyP
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Yeah forum is pooh... And fluffs in the drunk tank

WPMO Not much, just phantom oil leaks but im soo used to that with my silly car now, Got the sex though so that's pretty good

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2 hours ago, johnxr6t said:

more of both.

I think one issue with this forum straight out is they let threads get too big. they should make them like 100 page maximum then do a part 2 and part 3 and so on. But then the f*cking around with replies thing has happened on my sorta build thread and im unable to post juicy updates that nobody cares much about probably but I want to post anyway

So you mean whingepool? lol their method is no better with regard to server load.

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  • Puff
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17 hours ago, Princess Whinginator said:


Warning long post...


I know this too well. I'm a full time stay at home dad to 3 kids. The oldest just turned 4 and the other two are 16 months and nearly 3. My life consists of making food, changing clothes and nappies, doing dishes, washing and other house work, school runs now that the oldest is in kindy a couple of days a week and having dinner ready every night cos my wife works full time.

I'm also our household mechanic.

I have been doing this for just over 4 years and now it is kind of easy. I only say easy cos I'm used to it. In reality I'm up around 6 every day and don't finish my dad duties until 7 at night. Then it's cleaning for half an hour or so, a couple of hours of netflix and then bed.

Occasionally one of the kids will need attention in the middle of the night cos they kick of their blanket or need to go to the toilet. It's even better (sarcasm) when one of them is sick or better still when I'm sick. Apparently there are no "sick days" when you are a parent.

It's crazy how much of your pre parent life you give up to have kids. 

It will get easier for you, just hang in there.

P.s A glass of wine or vodka can definitely help out in the evenings sometimes!

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