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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Puff
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What pisses me off is that I paid $200 for 16GB of Corsair Vengeance 2300MHz DDR3 ram for my pc last August and now it wont run at full speed without blue screening every 10 minutes

It works at 1600MHz but if I wanted that I could have paid half.

The other bit that pisses me off is that the closest store to return it to is a 35 minute drive away and if I want to swap it for a different brand then I have to go the store I bought it from which is roughly an hour drive...each way.

Oh and I have to take at least 2 of the still safety/baby seated kids with me which can easily add an extra half an hour and usually a lot of screaming and complaining.

Ah first world problems, aren't they grand?! 

Thanks for listening lol.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Order more on eBay and get them delivered.  RAM is cheap, what's your hourly rate if you're paying yourself :)

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  • Puff
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Neh I was just whinging. I've had time to calm my jocks. 

I'll take them back to where I got them and use the cash refund to get 32 GB of slower stuff.

I've seen the 16 maxed out once or twice so 32 will be ample.

I need to return them, I was just procrastinating. 

The kids love the sub 5 sec 0 to 100 times so I'll take advantage of the traffic lights on the way there lol.

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WPMO: have to be checked out of my villa at 10am, back to Perth this arvo then back to work tomorrow :ermm:

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Was given a laptop to attempt to recover precious family photos from.  I agreed to do it for free as it was a bad breakup at some point between the parents, laptop was passworded by the other half before they left.
I had hoped to find it with just a usual Windows account password in place (can be blanked easily and good to go).  Unfortunately there a BIOS password set (hard/impossible to remove these days in my experience).  A password that prevents even booting the laptop at all.

Removed internal HDD, hooked up to PC - drive has no partition on it at all, requires initialisation.  Basically like a brand new drive would.  So either it's a brand new HDD that was swapped out (one of two screws was missing from the HDD bay, evidence of prior removal), or it was intentionally deleted in a more serious way.

There are tools that claim to recover data like this but in this case I have had to recommend the person goes straight to a data recovery specialist ($) as said software can easily make it worse or even impossible to recover the info.

If it was just some holiday snaps I'd give it a go, but here's the worst part...the photos are of a deceased child.

What a total dog act.

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Agreed on the sentiments.

Locked the BIOS and cleared the HDD partition properly? that's some serious attempts to hide something.

It's possible that a decent encryption program will "look like" the drive has no partition, but unlikely.

BIOS passwords can sometimes be removed with little electrical tricks, depending on make and model.

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Ford and Ebay seller............FFS.


Ford whilst away on holidays my windscreen washer stopped working. No problem I knew it was replaced last year around this time.

So yesterday I went into ford asked if they can check when they job was carried out. After 15min they had no recorded because they are under new owners. WOW surprises surprises. He tell me to go up the road to VW the old owners are up there. Fine walked up and yes they have all the details and when all the work was completed. SWEET!! 

It was in my favour because the work was done at the start of April.

I walk back to Ford show him the print out of the job sheet. He looks at me and says all good 2min past he stops and says how many Km's have I done. I don't know I'll need to have a look. He then tells me if I've done more than 20,000km it's not under warranty because I've done more than 20,000km in 12 months. WTF!!

I go back to the car have a look, take a photo and show him. I did around 2000 more. Sorry not covered. I said It's a windscreen washer. Anything to get out of it..........F*#K OFF!!


Ebay - A few weeks ago I bought some Club Poles for my sons soccer team. As I'm coach we would need them and the club will not get them.

So I order what I though is 10 poles. Package arrived whilst I was away and yesterday I opened it and only 1 pole came out..........FFS!!

An email was sent waiting on a reply from the sender. Lucky we buy everything through PayPal.

Training starts today.

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Was given a laptop to attempt to recover precious family photos from.  I agreed to do it for free as it was a bad breakup at some point between the parents, laptop was passworded by the other half before they left.

I had hoped to find it with just a usual Windows account password in place (can be blanked easily and good to go).  Unfortunately there a BIOS password set (hard/impossible to remove these days in my experience).  A password that prevents even booting the laptop at all.

Removed internal HDD, hooked up to PC - drive has no partition on it at all, requires initialisation.  Basically like a brand new drive would.  So either it's a brand new HDD that was swapped out (one of two screws was missing from the HDD bay, evidence of prior removal), or it was intentionally deleted in a more serious way.

There are tools that claim to recover data like this but in this case I have had to recommend the person goes straight to a data recovery specialist ($) as said software can easily make it worse or even impossible to recover the info.

If it was just some holiday snaps I'd give it a go, but here's the worst part...the photos are of a deceased child.

What a total dog act.

A dog act indeed!

A colleague of mine recently had her phone crash during an update because of insufficient storage - was chock full of two years of family photos. Phone wouldn't boot and she couldn't access her photos even when connecting the phone to PC. Samsung told her they could reimage her phone, but would lose all photos and there was nothing else they could do.

I offered to give it a try, on the basis that she was assuming she had lost everything already. Flashed a rom off Sammobile, without wiping the phone's storage. Phone booted perfectly and was then able to copy off all of the photos. Pretty average that samsung couldn't do that.

Hope your scenario can be recovered. I agree that when it's that important, best to go to the pros rather than tinker yourself. My in laws had a bunch of photos encrypted by ransom ware and wanted me to fix - yeah, nah.

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