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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I'm speaking from experience having been hit by a car twice whilst riding, both times the car driver was 100pc in the wrong. 


Some of the attitudes in this thread.....wow just wow. I like to ride on the road every now and then. I pay 4 rego's each year is that enough to entitle me to not be mowed down by some impatient prick? Is your time worth more than another persons life? 

Who would you all be blaming if (heaven forbid) if one of your family members or your child was run over whilst riding their bike?


It's not often I agree with Stubbietubbie but this one of those times.




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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I partly agree Ralph 

theres no need to drive like a dick to prove a point and being aware of a rider is important and so is giving room etc





because u pay 4x reg is that enough .... Ahhhhh no 

wtf does u having 4 cars have to do with u having a two wheel vehicle ??? So I have 5 cars do I get a motorbike for free 





I'm not talking from a revenue perspective


I am more talking about a licensing perspective tbh

you can have no licence and ride a pushy not knowing the road rules at all and that's fine? Really? 

Drink driving a bike is illegal here and so it should be ... But no licence and riding a bike should be too! U should need a course like a licence to ride a bicycle on the road.... Learn the rules and respect vehicles as well as vehicles should respect u. 


Bikes are the cause of so many accidents here and also get carried away with things like the tour down under .... Buy a bike... Ride like a twat in Lycra ... Cause a bunch of issues and then forget u ever rode six months later .... All too common.... U wanna join a craze then ride on the vela drme or the parks and rides along the river etc not on the road where people can get hurt. 

If that's what u wanna do to commute then get a bike permit or something similar which needs to be put in place. 


Justmy twocents 

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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"I am more talking about a licensing perspective tbh

you can have no licence and ride a pushy not knowing the road rules at all and that's fine? Really? 

Drink driving a bike is illegal here and so it should be ... But no licence and riding a bike should be too! U should need a course like a licence to ride a bicycle on the road.... Learn the rules and respect vehicles as well as vehicles should respect u. "


Flawed argument. You can have no license and still drive a car on the road, you can also get pissed and drive a car with or without your license. You can also have your license, not be pissed have done a defensive driving course and still drive like an arrogant oaf ignoring the rules and showing no respect for other vehicles.

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  • Puff
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"Flawed argument. You can have no license and still drive a car on the road, you can also get pissed and drive a car with or without your license. You can also have your license, not be pissed have done a defensive driving course and still drive like an arrogant oaf ignoring the rules and showing no respect for other vehicles."


Clearly there is a difference between what you can do and what you should do. Her point was that a licensing system should be in place, not whether or not the system could be flouted.


IMO there should be mandatory licensing and registration to use any type of vehicle on public roads.

Why should every single road user have to go through extensive and expensive training and also pay for every individual vehicle they want to to use on the road yet a cyclist can use the road as their personal bike track with zero experience or contribution to the upkeep of said roads?

You mentioned your 4 cars Ralph. Rego would be $3000 per year in S.A. For my 6 cars it comes in at $4500 if I want to be able to use all of them, all year long, at any given time.

A motorcycle license cost roughly $650 to obtain here. A car license isn't free either.

A cyclist contributes nothing to use the same roads and has no accountability due the abovementioned factors.

That being said, nothing is going to change the fragile nature of cycling on public roads and hence we should adjust our driving style to suit if necessary.

For the paperback version dial 1800 I-WROTE-A-NOVEL.


1. Register all vehicles on the road including bicycles.

2. License all road users including cyclists.

3. Don't drive like a dick.


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  • WOT?
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I remember that clip from a couple of years ago


It showed the 30 seconds prior to the incident above -  the cyclist "dawdled" across 3 lanes of traffic to end up where he did or something like that - was in no way the truck drivers fault - the truck driver looked to be out of his lane/cutting in because he was trying to avoid the rider in the middle of the road

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  • Banned
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Anyone ever find themselves in a position where you have a physical object of some sort which you feel could be freshened up with a little intervention but instead you end up making it worse and instead of listening to your instincts by leaving it be, you have this urge to try and fix it but you just make it even worse again? Well that's what happened with something I was trying to sell. It had some dirt trapped inside and I tried spraying some cleaning solution to disperse it but this just made it worse, then I tried to open up the unit but broke it in the process, so now I can't sell it. Had I just left it the way it was then I could of at least made some money. Fortunately it wasn't overly expensive but it's a waste nonetheless. 

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