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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Not exactly pissed off but rather disheartened after hearing that BMX icon Dave Mirra has taken his own life.  Now when I hear of stories like this, it's difficult to comprehend. How does someone who seemingly has everything going for them - a successful career doing what you love, thousands of fans across the world, a loving partner with two children and an abundance of wealth, decide to end their life? I guess as humans, we all have our demons and sometimes it becomes too much. Depression is real and can take hold of anyone regardless of their status in life. No one will ever know what kind of struggle he was going through, and why exactly. This makes me wonder, is it impossible for certain people to be happy in life due to a chemical imbalance in their brain? Having suffered depression myself, I often wonder that even if I were to meet the love of my life, get my dream job, an expensive house and a nice car, would I actually be happy with all that, or rather for how long would I be happy and would the depression then find a way to bring that all apart. How is it that others are content with what they have even if it's not much, yet some of those with everything are not. It seems to be the way different individuals brains are wired. Can someone who suffers from depression truly be cured, or is it something that must be managed for the rest of their life and what happens when it gets to the point where it becomes too overwhelming?


Edited by kokentoe
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11 minutes ago, kokentoe said:

an expensive house and a nice car

happiness does not come from things

ie: money doesn't buy happiness 

you can surround yourself with expensive cars and houses, go on overseas holidays, drink, take drugs, all these things do is temporarily distract you.

There is a huge misnomer that "if I win lotto all my problems are over and I will be so happy that when people look up happy in the dictionary, my name will be there "

Society tells us we need to strive for the big job that pays the big money to have all the things that make us happy.

When people get there, they can't find true happiness, what are they to do?

This is an over simplification, but you probably get the gist 

John D Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil, the richest man at the beginning of the 20th century and the world's first billionaire, was once asked  "how much money is enough? " he replied "just a little bit more"

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Mo' money

Mo' problems



Depression is nasty.  I've been in some dark places but pulled myself out of it by analysing and changing my life.  My other half is on lithium and it's made a massive difference for her and we're both enjoying life again, so yeah sometimes it is as simple as an imbalance.  


Sadly, getting help is possibly the most difficult part.  To quote another rapper/hip hop artist


This is called irony
When you most need to get up you got no energy




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  • The Noble Leader
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8 hours ago, barnz said:


well it nearly works biz the bugs are pretty minor in the scheme of things, just annoying more than anything. Im still using it.

Tried you generic IT advise for sh*ts and giggles Rab, no dice.

Keif, the forum needs the api installed to even work at all, which It didnt at first after the upgrade, which CJ covered in the upgrade thread and said they needed to set it up. Which they now have, so they have in fact taken the time to give a sh*t...I just find it hard to belive these small bugs just dont require a bit of further tweaking and the forums OR tapatalks toolkit requires major changes to fix it. Ive used tapatalk for about 3 years and throughout that time it sure has had it's share of problems, NONE of which I would attribute to the forum itself. Honestly man tapatalk is a mint platform for forums on a mobile device, these issues arent bad enough to need to use a browser instead, Im sure it works just fine via any browser but that's not really the point...the whacked timeline issue hasnt occured in a while actually, im sure the upgrade isnt 100% yet and some things are still a work in progress so hopefully it will be sorted

We are running the latest version of Tapatalk designed for the forum as well as the API is in place. Not sure what else I can do? Tapatalk version is designed for the version of IPB we are running. What are the issues with Tapatalk? I will log a support call with them.

And to top it off we are still working through a list of issues including the IPS Spam filter causing issues with new member registrations. 

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  • The Noble Leader
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6 hours ago, barnz said:

buys a benz, asks for donations....I feel my presence is enough...


To be honest the Benz was exactly the same price as my FG F6 310 which I sold, and came out of my own pocket, not funds from the site. The funds from the site doesn't even cover the monthly server hosting and maintenance. 

The upgrade difference has come out of my own pocket....

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Don't stress, Chris. People on the internet love commenting about things they don't know about (me included, sometimes :) )

Sounds like your hosting package sucks massive wang, if it costs more than the funds provided from the advertising and advertisers.

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3 hours ago, bloodycrashboy said:

happiness does not come from things

ie: money doesn't buy happiness 

you can surround yourself with expensive cars and houses, go on overseas holidays, drink, take drugs, all these things do is temporarily distract you.

There is a huge misnomer that "if I win lotto all my problems are over and I will be so happy that when people look up happy in the dictionary, my name will be there "

Society tells us we need to strive for the big job that pays the big money to have all the things that make us happy.

When people get there, they can't find true happiness, what are they to do?

This is an over simplification, but you probably get the gist 

John D Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil, the richest man at the beginning of the 20th century and the world's first billionaire, was once asked  "how much money is enough? " he replied "just a little bit more"

I agree completely, but it is not limited to just that but also the notion that getting married and having children equals a happy life, something that society has lead us to believe. In Dave Mirra's case, not to mention the recent suicide/murder of that Adelaide man and his two boys, both who were married with children, for them this was not enough of an incentive to continue living which is the point I was trying to make. If that is not enough to provide a happy life, where else does one turn? How does one escape this illness when even the people they love can't help them? It's a scary thought. 

Edited by kokentoe
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