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I'd buy a golf gtr

My mate actually bought one of these second hand with the DSG gearbox and they're actually pretty cool cars. Had I looked around a bit more when I bought the Honda then I probably would have ended up with one or a WRX.

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What's wrong with the BRZ Fluff? Has Jet done any work to it?

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Righto fellas having some Ute problems and need a hand with I diagnosis.

Ute ran fine wed. Thursday arvo went to start it and it just cranks over. Doesn't want to run at all. Not a cough or a splutter or anything just cranks. Also the starter sometimes sounds like it doesn't engage properly against the flywheel and just spins real fast until you release the button.

Things iv checked so far..

-Battery is fine 12.5+v and even with a jumper pack I get the same result.

-Checked all related fuses in engine bay and dash.

-Reflashed the tune and tried returning to stock. Also no codes come up.

Going to pull a plug out tomorrow and check for spark. Also pull off the fuel line and make sure fuel is getting to the rail.

Is there anything obvious I'm missing here. Or some stupid failed sensor that can cause this sorta sh*t.

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 3m 8d
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  • Location: Rockhampton Qld

Can't hear it prime no. But Walbros are pretty quiet aren't they? Iv never heard it before. Where about is that switch mate? Pass or drivers side?

Edit- algood found it. Will have to wait to tomorrow to try it as I have battery and fuses and airbox out.

Also on a separate note why the f*ck is the 60A abs fuse bolted into the freaking fuse box from underneath? I tried to pull it out to replace with the ignition fuse and it shattered when I yanked on it forcefully

Edited by bamk2f6tornado
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