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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Yeah agreed. My folks other cat is pretty lazy, he just sleeps all the time and will occasionally come for a cuddle on your lap when you're watching tv, otherwise he's pretty happy doing his own thing. Some cats can be absolute assholes though, I'm not a massive fan of those kinds of cats. My girlfriends cat I liken to a f*cking unicorn...I've heard heaps of things about it, but it's actual existence is somewhat pending. It's SUPER timid, it appeared once while I was there, hiding behind the sofa and then kinda hissed at me when I tried to go closer...farking thing. Apparently it's really really scared initially, once it gets over that and decides it likes you then it's really affectionate. I'm not really phased either way I guess, if it becomes affectionate and wants pats then cool, if it doesn't then it seems like it'll just stay away from me. Win win really haha.

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  • WOT?
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Love kittens, hate cats.

Shame you can't trade them in once they get to a certain size.

Hate people who want/buy kittens, then dispose of it once it grows out of the cute stage.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Same with puppies ^^^^

A certain person I dislike who happened to be married to my husband at one stage has been through 6 or more dogs in as many years all because once they get to adult stage they're too annoying and get given away or whatever

The newest ones came about when we got Lilly and she got jealous and bought an American staffy which was meant to be a friend for the one they already had which lived tied to a pole in the back yard

A www cute puppy

Nekminit annoying fully grown dog who gets no attention and turns feral

Last we heard the bigger dog had run away over ten times and they were sick of looking on Fb pages trying to get it back so last time it ran away they just stopped looking....

Great example setting for the kids right there

Makes my blood boil

Poor dogs

Edited by Princess Whinginator
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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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See, you have to pass a test and are subject to scrutiny/fines etc in order to be allowed the privilege of driving on the road...similar should be implemented for owning pets and having kids. Some people just should not be allowed to have pets, or breed.

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In my experience cats that like dogs, grow up with dogs seem to be alright. Both my cats have grown up with dogs. They come when they are called lol... bout 6pm I bring em in. Just stand at the door and call them and they just come running in, weird eh. Always hang with each other when outside as well which is more dog like behaviour as well.

Edited by barnz
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  • Member For: 16y 7m 22d
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Love kittens, hate cats.

Shame you can't trade them in once they get to a certain size.

I read that and figured the same should apply to wives.

I'm an arsehole. Better stay unmarried.

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  • WOT?
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I got rid of 2 (wives) when they got catty.

Decided to just play with kittens and not buy any more.

Nothing worse than a cute kitten that ends up going feral later

Edited by Rab
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  • WOT?
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  • Location: Frankston, 3199


My printer (huge, expensive multifunction stapler, booklet, sorter etc) has been out of action since weds

Work is backing up, customers are tapping their feet...

Tech is (hopefully) back soon for the 3rd visit.

Going to be a late night for me, catching up on the workload, then an early monday delivering the packages to the customers waiting on their stuff.

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