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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Member For: 16y 7m 23d
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  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

Cylinder 6 can go suck a fat one

Honestly how did they expect you to change the sparkplugs on that??

Wrong tools = bastard of a job.

Right tools = piss easy job.

I use 1/4” drive stuff these days (including universal joint). Remove the rubber from the spark plug socket (ie that holds the spark plug in).

Undo each spark plug with the socket. I’m using a Bikeservice BS9133, which is a thin-walled socket. That one also fits in KTM heads.

Use a magnet to remove each spark plug once they’re rotated loose.

For putting spark plugs in, I drop them in with the magnet, and then snatch the magnet upward (to leave the spark plug behind).



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  • Member For: 16y 7m 23d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

That is brilliant

Ill have to get my hands on that

Get a Bikeservice BS9133 socket from SuperCheap Auto.

There's also a 14mm version, the BS9132, which might also be useful for reaching the nuts underneath the turbo/manifold. I'm going to buy one of those if I can find one in Perth.

I once spent almost two hours changing spark plugs, because I was too stubborn with trying to do it all with 1/2" drive stuff. That's never going to fit into the number 6 spark plug hole. These days I can do the whole lot, start to finish, in 15 minutes.

Get a magnetic pick-up tool thingy as well.


Also useful for preventing dropping small bolts into places that you'll never reach.


Edited by PhilMeUp
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  • MattyP
  • Cruise Control
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Awesome phil

I was on a roll up until that last spark plug

You know in transformers when megan fox is basically dry humping the engine?

that's what happened last night but instead of a then good looking woman doing it, it was a 24 year old overweight train driver doing it in the carpark of his apartment complex.

Not a pretty sight

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 23d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

Awesome phil

I was on a roll up until that last spark plug

You know in transformers when megan fox is basically dry humping the engine?

that's what happened last night but instead of a then good looking woman doing it, it was a 24 year old overweight train driver doing it in the carpark of his apartment complex.

Not a pretty sight

Number 6 is a bastard.

The other 5 lull you into a false sense of security.

Then it all goes to sh*t.

Number 6 is the evil serial killer of car maintenance.

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