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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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  • Member For: 15y 5m 24d
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  • Location: SA

yes...sometimes it happens?

How do we know that guy hasn't been sitting in the left lane the whole time I.e. the previous 2km or whatever.

There are drivers out there who will happily stay in the left lane all the time, until its necessary to change lanes I.e. making a right turn or whatever. That's what you're supposed to do; but I (and most) are just too impatient and CBF with the reduced speed and congestion that occurs in the left lane.

This is a one lane road that splits to a two lane road at the lights

It's a side street with a traffic light that has two lanes

A place where left should go left and right should go right

Adelaide is a small place

A country town

Go away and turn Fharkn left in the left lane And right in the right

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 15y 5m 24d
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: SA

Yesterday there was a woman in a Mazda cx7 in the right lane traveling from a 80k zone into a 100k zone, I was behind her for awhile and she was not accelerating so I undertook her and boosted up to 100.

After I undertook her she then decided to accelerate to what must have been 120k to catch and pass me only to slow right down to a crawl when we got to a transition back to 80k.

I passed her again in the left lane (doing 80k) where she then immediately accelerated and sat beside me.

we came up to a set of traffic lights and there were about 6 cars in the left lane and she was the only car in the right lane.

After she had passed me and stopped at the red light, I changed lanes and came up behind her.

She then put her car into reverse and moved backwards to within inches of the front of my car.

I was like WTF are you doing you stupid bit@h.

The light turned green and she just sat there in reverse, until after a few seconds she put it in drive and took off.

I was trying very hard to figure out what I had done to piss her off to instigate the beginnings of a possible road rage incident.

I figured that she must have been pissed off that I undertook her (I think I possibly spun the rear tyres and gave her a fright )

But really, WTF is wrong with people!

She's a Fharkn idiot

Probably on her rags

Should have got out the car and asked her

Women love being asked if on her rags

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Slight misunderstanding between a parts supplier and myself meaning one of the bits I needed for a Job I was planning to do tomorrow didn't arrive. Pissed at myself for not querying sooner as the quote price did seem low for the parts on it.

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 20d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

Slight misunderstanding between a parts supplier and myself meaning one of the bits I needed for a Job I was planning to do tomorrow didn't arrive. Pissed at myself for not querying sooner as the quote price did seem low for the parts on it.

What part do you need?

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