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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Filthy weeb
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  • Member For: 12y 16d
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Best I've managed was driving past a couple kids when they threw a tennis ball onto the road intentionally so I'd drive into it. I'd been sick for days, wasn't in a good mood, and didn't know what it exactly was that hit the front bumper until after but I saw red once I heard it hit. Immediately swung the car around hard, the little sh*ts stood there dumbstruck until they realised I was coming for them and piss-bolted. They ran up a driveway of a house I knew had a separate, exiting driveway, so I went in through the other way, stopping them and forcing them back the way they came.

Once I got back to the drive's exit, one had disappeared but the other had started running across the road, looking back at me and not thinking of any other cars coming, which blared their horns at him for running across the road with oncoming traffic. He then ran up another driveway and I stopped out the front and stood there for a good two minutes, almost wishing he'd show his face. But I'd started to calm down, and realised I just avoided a huge mess if that kid had've gotten run over, and wasn't sure what I'd even do if I had caught one/both of them.

Yeah, it wasn't something that would've damaged my car, most likely an overreaction but f*ck, that total lack of respect (towards people and their property) really, really got to me, so I sincerely sympathise with Rab.

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So I found a job that would be an awesome opportunity for me and that I am super suitable for with both my qualifications, experience and skills. So I wrote a mean cover letter and updated my CV accordingly and sent it all off this arvo...only to realise after I'd sent it that there was a spelling mistake in it. When a senior HR rep had recently adjusted the formatting of my CV for me, she'd sent it back to me with a spelling mistake in the university name of one of my qualifications. Worst bit is that there's another degree from the same uni listed directly below it and spelled correctly. FARK! :rant2:

Edited by .Stripes.
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