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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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I like the catch and hose idea! Extended discomfort FTW.

Orrrrrr maybe rig this up on your cat, muahahahaha


If you get into an arms race make sure you film it, should wind up more or less like this:


Edited by -Stever-
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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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I'm a cat person... it's someone's pet and I'm not into killing other people's pets.

But... you can't have one cat continually belting up your cat.

Call the relevant cat place (ie Cat Haven for people in Perth). Get their advice... see what solutions they might have. Do some Google searching.

My guess is to borrow a trap, catch the cat... leave it in the trap and squirt the garden hose on it for a while (ie cats hate water). Move the trap to various locations around the yard and do the same.

Make the cat not want to be in your yard. Don't forget the chilli powder for when it licks itself clean later.

If you can grab it and trim the front claws back with some nail clippers then that will give your cat a few weeks respite. Cats are harmless when their claws are trimmed back.

Like I said, I'm cat person and I'm not into killing cats. However, if the owner continually refuses to co-operate and you're in Perth then you can only borrow my ute to dispose of the body of that person if you're thorough enough with hosing the DNA out of the back tray.


Edit: Has the other cat been de-sexed?

If not, then trap it... go get it done... ask the vet to avoid putting the tattoo mark in the cat's ear... keep it all quiet... the cat goes missing for a day, who cares...

Im a cat person and I consider myself a responsible cat owner.

My moggie is a desexed male and is kept inside btween 6 pm and 6 am, only outsied for an hour in the mornig and an hour in the evening during the week, and if we are home on the weekend he is outside the whole day., but always inside at night.

I would have previously never wanted to kill another persons cat, but as with most things in life there are allways exceptions.

My wife (also a cat person funnily enough) thinks that bastard cat is not like any other cat she has met, and thinks this one is inherantly evil.

I also agree with her that it is the most agressive cat I have ever come across, and going by the noise arround the neighbourhood, our cat is not the only one to have the misfortune of comming in contact with bastard cat.

So given the chance, I would not hesitate in ending its life, Im sure that there would be a few people in the neighbourhood that would be totaly comfortable with my decision.

here is a pussy cat we saw in Namibia.

Edited by bloodycrashboy
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Im a cat person and I consider myself a responsible cat owner.

Fair enough.

Sounds like bastard cat was never de-sexed and has gone a bit wild?

If so, not the cat's fault. But, if the cat's gotta go, then it's gotta go.

There will be at least one cat place in each capital city (ie Cat Haven in Perth). Call them all and get advice. You'll figure out a strategy.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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Sounds like bastard cat was never de-sexed and has gone a bit wild?

neighbour admits to it being a stray that they "rescued", I recon its a ferrel cat that saw them as an easy meal tcket

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Fake looking women who look like chimp monks who sucked a golf ball through a hose.

Edit. Sucked up attitude to match. I mean reeeeeaaaalyyy

Edited by Buf-Phoon
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Farkin Firefox blocking Adobe Flash Player on everything all of a sudden.

How'm I sposed to get a flow on if all da pRons is blocked and have to allow player on every site I hit..... :bangin:

this again ^^

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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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Ink on waist. Initial few days = a pain because I can't wear pants.

This is also a good thing.

But becomes impractical

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Dresses a bit too cold in this weather I'm guessing?

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Chuck on one of those full body muslim outfits for the lulz

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