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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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Snail bait and tuna. No more problems.

my mate gave me a trap that he made to catch a bandicoot.

If I get no joy from the coucil I'll be setting the trap, when I catch bastard cat I will chuck the trap with him in it in my pool.

Bait is good for some areas, but I have alot of marsupial type animals on my property.

here is one :wwww:

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Motion detection based high pressure hose FTW

Or build a blind and sit patiently with a slingshot.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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I would have been at the medical center to extract the cat from my foot.

I did kick it square in the head when it came back at me after I had already thrown it off the patio.

said to my wife, "can,t have kicked it hard enough to snap its neck cos the bloody bastard did a runner after that"

probably didnt help that I was wearing slippers

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Rant one

F'ing washing machine broken again.

It used to be that if you paid top dollar you got a quality product.

That doesn't appear to be the case these days.

Years ago when I was looking for a secondhand washing machine I figured that I'd start by calling a few washing machine repair places.

They all said the same thing - buy an old crappy one. They used to have metal gears in the gearbox and lasted forever. Then, manufacturers realised that their stuff was lasting too long, and therefore costing them sales. So they started putting plastic gears in them, which eventually wore out.

These days washing machines electronic push button panels. The problem there is if/when the panel fails then the whole machine gets thrown out. These things aren't designed or made to be repaired.

These days I've got a 1999 Maytag Quiet Plus II (model number LAT9806AGE) that I bought for $200 on eBay in 2008. No frills, industrial looking thing. 7kg. Will probably last forever, and if it doesn't then I'll get it rebuilt.

Basically, get a low frills one with less bells and whistles, but a more solid infrastructure.

For a replacement washing machine, call various repair places. It might be more viable to get an older rebuilt one. Or, do a search on Gumtree semi regularly for Maytag and see what turns up (ie Maytag stuff is actually built to last).

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 19d
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Been having problems with the neigbours cat off and on for about 18 months.

I'm a cat person... it's someone's pet and I'm not into killing other people's pets.

But... you can't have one cat continually belting up your cat.

Call the relevant cat place (ie Cat Haven for people in Perth). Get their advice... see what solutions they might have. Do some Google searching.

My guess is to borrow a trap, catch the cat... leave it in the trap and squirt the garden hose on it for a while (ie cats hate water). Move the trap to various locations around the yard and do the same.

Make the cat not want to be in your yard. Don't forget the chilli powder for when it licks itself clean later.

If you can grab it and trim the front claws back with some nail clippers then that will give your cat a few weeks respite. Cats are harmless when their claws are trimmed back.

Like I said, I'm cat person and I'm not into killing cats. However, if the owner continually refuses to co-operate and you're in Perth then you can only borrow my ute to dispose of the body of that person if you're thorough enough with hosing the DNA out of the back tray.


Edit: Has the other cat been de-sexed?

If not, then trap it... go get it done... ask the vet to avoid putting the tattoo mark in the cat's ear... keep it all quiet... the cat goes missing for a day, who cares...

Edited by PhilMeUp
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