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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Don't hold back fluff..

As someone who did the church thing, I walked out on it for a long time.

Technically still walked out.

but calling all Christians weak minded? We can discuss another day. I don't believe people seeking to better themselves are weak.

Personally though I believe the bible needs to be taken in a context. Like reading a textbook.. the textbook is relevant to the year it was written.

Suicide is a mortal sin.. but the bible doesn't consider mental illness. Would a true loving God condemn you to hell for taking your own life due to a chemical imbalance in your brain?

My personal interest in religion is actually more the mythology behind it.

But theology is technically mythology with military/political backing telling people it is true right?

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Oh and to clarify .... Everyone at this stage is assuming that the gays want the rights to get married in a church

Nah they aren't that stupid

They just want the gal equality to be able to spend your whole life with someone and be aknowledges as their legal partner and spouse without judgement ... And gay to straight .... Who doesn't hve the right to love, care for, make legal decisions for, power of atoerny and organise a funeral and estate for the person u love

Most people don't know the actual reason behind wanting equity

But maybe if u look praise your bubble most people just want the legal rights thAt a married couple have

It's not to impose on your sacred ritual or marriage and sign up for a life of eternal religious misery submitting to a sadistic God who states u must surrender to your partner forever


Bye the way

Straight people (religious or not ) are sh*t at and divorce rates are ridiculous

So why not give the gays a shot

Have we straight people not fhucked it up enough! Lol

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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And yes panda we will discuss this at some point later down the trKc when my fingers aren't bleeding from typing

But to put out some potential Fire

I do believe that bettering yourself and some core values that religion teaches are of a great importance to some people's lives

I just think without religion the mentally strong and smart ones would have found those answers without "Jesus" and a whack of extra judgemental crap put in their heads at the same time

As I said

I don't know who's right or wrong and I stand by the fact that anyone who doesn't research and look into everything is weak minded (no I didn't call Christians weak minded panda, I said people who pbelieve in certain things without making a chosen informed decision based on ALL FACTS!

But o do believe that people are ignorant for not considering others views and opinions

And as I said if you have explored all avenues and come back to a certain religion because u have looked into all religions including tthe concept God may not exist then I understand, but u t such time you cannot make an informed judgement imo

And weather people want to admit it or not statistics say that majority or religious people have not read their own religious text even once in its entirety .... Let alone anyone else's .... I challenge a catholic or Christian to say they have read and comprehend the full bible, every page, recite every verse, not as a show of me merit retention, but as a sign they are dedicated to their beliefs. And if they can I will take my hat off.

I have loads of religious friends, Catholics, Muslims, budhists, atheists, Hindus and even agnostics and I judge none of them for their choice. However I do question their ability to comprehend what they are committing themselves to as a life full of those beliefs and their decisions. And I can say the most sense comes from the religions who chose not to judge.

However that's only my Opjnion and as I said I may be wrong and probably am

Edited by Princess Whinginator
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I don't judge , unlike religious folk, and I even love you ignorant people but that's just my humble opinion and I'm probably wrong... But everyone's entitled to one ye?

Isn't that a little contradictory?

Just a little side note, if you really have read the bible in its entirety, you would know that the Catholic Church are lying to their members.

Paul describes the Catholic Church in the last book of the bible (Revelation 17:3)

As I said in my post, I expect to get flack for standing up for God, but I do not think you need to try denigrate me in such a vigorous fashion.

You are obviously entitled to your opinion, but just because mine differs from yours doesn't make me an ignoramus.

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