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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Life choices are pissing me off. As much as I love my car, I'm half tempted to sell the thing, pay off my debts, buy a cheaper car and look at buying or building a house. I'm over renting paying someone else's mortgage, especially when interest rates are so low...

good idea. Doesn't make sense to me when people own a good car but live with their parents or rent

What's resale on the vfs like though you might be hit pretty hard unless you've paid heaps off already

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Stripes it doesn't have to be a complete sh*t heap. I'm more than happy with a second hand SS until I can afford an Aston Martin.

Yeah I know. I'm thinking maybe a VY Clubby, or maybe an 05 WRX or something like that. Can get either for under $15k...I figure that's a fair amount to spend on a car...could go less I suppose, but still kinda want something I'll enjoy driving and isn't getting tooooo old and high km. At which point, once I've sold the VF and paid off my debts, I'll have about $15,000 savings. That plus the $10k first home owners grant, if I build, would be enough of a deposit for a $500k house...if I spent that much. Kinda scares me how little you get for $500k in Perth atm :sick: Not to mention once the build starts I'll be able to smash as much savings as I can into an offset account, so that by the time the house is finished being built I should have reduced the mortgage by a bit. Then be a case of getting someone to live with me once it's built so I can smash as much extra into the mortgage as possible to get as far ahead as I can. If I kept my current wage and had someone living with me, I reckon I'd have the mortgage paid off inside of 10 years.

Couldn't justify an expensive car if I was paying off someones elses house

Ive had more sh*t boxes than nice cars but I built my first house at 21 and a 4th year appy with one child already along

Was driving an EA falcon when the first brick got layed

Not to many people don't have to make sacrifices to get ahead, it's not a bad thing mate its just life sometimes

Yeah, see looking back I really wish I'd had more foresight than I've exhibited until now. I've been on over $100k salary for 4 years now and have bugger all to show for it besides a car that I still owe $22k on (don't actually owe it against the car, it's on interest free balance transfer credit cards) and a few other toys around the house...and all of like $4k savings :ermm:. In reality, if I'd not been a tard I could have had $200k in the bank by now...or already be living in my own house :wtcjerkit:

good idea. Doesn't make sense to me when people own a good car but live with their parents or rent
What's resale on the vfs like though you might be hit pretty hard unless you've paid heaps off already

Reckon I could get $45-50k for it. Given I paid around $55k for it when factoring in trade-in of the GT, that seems about right for new car depreciation.

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In the right financial direction put enough deposit in to bypass LMI

This is a horrendous fee that is slapped on if u can't front the coin

This means u need 20% down

On the first house its hard but so worth it

Id hate to be buying in W.A , but due to the down turn maybe the market might follow ?

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Would love an S15 Lennox. Always wanted one, but they still command a fairly decent price considering their age etc. Their age is more what worries me about them too...getting a bit long in the tooth and having had the ass thrashed out of them for years. Want something fun, but still with a shred of reliability to it. Would still consider one though...

Problem is, JET, that trying to put together 20% for a house will cost me an extra year or two of saving...which would work out to be more in rent than it would actually cost me for the LMI. Meanwhile I'm also not potentially getting the gain in equity from building.

Edited by .Stripes.
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Stripes depending on the bank you need to look at where you actually stand with 25k. It may be the minimum 5% deposit but the bank will look at it this way.

25,000 in bank.

Conveyancing 1500.

Bank fees 600

Completion inspection of build 280

Possibly 4000 up front for LMI.

Title transfer and mortgage registration 788.

That's about 7200 off your 25000

Reduces your deposit and borrowing capacity significantly.

Also if you build I strongly recommend that you don't cut corners to save money. Ie: if every house on the block is 4 bedrooms.. build 4 bedrooms or your resale sucks arse.

Also if building, the more fixtures and fittings you can buy yourself means the more 15% builders markups you can avoid.

Big money savers are doing turf yourself and choosing a smart design of the house that minimizes separation between wet areas.

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If you earn 100k plus

The bank will throw money at you, just dive in head first and join the rest of us suckers giving our hard earned to a big bank in interest

It's awesome

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What Panda said.

im about to start building soon. If something cost a little more now to do and you want it do it NOW. Change your mind later and it will cost double or you'll go I should have done that.

I just got my pool quote back today because it will need to go in before frame work $47k, NICE!!

EDIT - ive spent around 8k and havent even started the build yet.

Edited by Pixy Angel
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