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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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Scotty , have to disagree with you on one point.

Anyone at any age can have issues, age doesn't discriminate.

I do agree with getting out and about, walk where there are soccer

mums doing the same thing. If you smile at them or just say hi,

mostly it will be returned in kind.

Look ahead not down FTW

Talking about the physical health issues mate, not the mental.

Mental issues are a bitch and they do not discriminate.

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Life choices are pissing me off. As much as I love my car, I'm half tempted to sell the thing, pay off my debts, buy a cheaper car and look at buying or building a house. I'm over renting paying someone else's mortgage, especially when interest rates are so low...

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  • I <3 Floods
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Stripes it doesn't have to be a complete sh*t heap. I'm more than happy with a second hand SS until I can afford an Aston Martin.

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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It's a good time

My mortgage is less than what my tanants are paying in rent for my other property and the one I live in is worth double...

Win win for home owners as long as this continues

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  • Too heavy needs boost
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Kimbo I would get in 30+ kms of walking easy around work each week for the railways and that's not including the gym. Have changed my diet to just really good food and the occasional happy fat boy night. Blood pressure is still not dropping even with diet and working out. But the depression side of things was linked to the anxiety attacks. I used to get them 5-6 times a week about 4-5 years ago but it stopped but now they have come back. I dont feel depressed I know I can snap with rage but never towards the family. Just little things nibble at me until I just snap. I wouldn't think that's depression but just a anger problem. Most days im as happy as ned flanders.

Only problem with those depression places even time I have had them call me. First thing they always ask is. Do I want to hurt my self. (FARK NO I DONT) that pisses me off. So ill see if anything sus shows up in the blood but hopefully I can clear my head and be normalish again.

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  • Gold Donating Members
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Life choices are pissing me off. As much as I love my car, I'm half tempted to sell the thing, pay off my debts, buy a cheaper car and look at buying or building a house. I'm over renting paying someone else's mortgage, especially when interest rates are so low...

Couldn't justify an expensive car if I was paying off someones elses house

Ive had more sh*t boxes than nice cars but I built my first house at 21 and a 4th year appy with one child already along

Was driving an EA falcon when the first brick got layed

Not to many people don't have to make sacrifices to get ahead, it's not a bad thing mate its just life sometimes

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