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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Bought a messy and neglected FPV Tornado ute late last year. People that have seen the build thread will remember what a mess it was - http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/89684-2006-fpv-tornado-f6-ute-cleanup-resurrection/

This week I figured that I'd better get around to getting the carpet cleaned properly. Found someone that was going to be in his workshop on Sunday (today) so committed to that.

Turned up. It's all locked up. Rang the mobile number on the card and got the guy's father. Who rung everywhere, trying to locate his son.

No luck.

Carpets not getting done today. Had a sh*t week, and as stupid as it sounds, was really hanging out to get that carpet cleaned today.


Here in Perth we have a lot of trouble with drunk Irish dickheads.

They come over here, get a high paying job and then spend all their money on binge drinking.

I'm a big bloke (185cm, 130kg), so I generally can get them under control by telling them that if they don't shut the f*ck up then I'll drag 'em out of the car, bash the sh*t out of them and then dump them in the bush somewhere. That's the language that works with these morons - I have to create a hierarchy. Then they calm down and behave a bit better.

That wasn't going to work with this lot. Four of them, all sh*tfaced drunk and abusive. The pack mentality.

One of them punched me in the face. Upper lip is torn to shreds and a front tooth got knocked out. It can't be replaced, but I paid a dentist $900 yesterday to put it back in anyway, because I don't want to deal with having a missing front tooth right now (ie can't talk properly). The tooth will fall out later on, and the quote is $12,000 to fix it properly.

Tough weekend.




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Worked with plenty of those Irish pricks over the years.. pick a fight with ya on a Thursday night at the pub and turn up Friday like nothing happened.

Hope there is enough info to track the bastards down.

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Man this is f*cked to hear. I never post in pisses me off threads because im the type who likes to do sh*t to make our world better rather than just talk or complain or document about it, I like progress for change. But anyway I had to pitch in its bit of a coincidence you mention what happened to your teeth and the cost its going to cost to fix aswell as Irish dickheads.

Before I read this, I was reading about some whore who got bashed, and she was rich from her job as she could pay for her own procedures, but everybody stepped in and donated like $100k to Fix her teeth and face, but what pissed me off then is all these surgeons and doctors jumped in offering free operations to her worth like $75k or more because they probably jerk over her pictures, but she well off and didn't need donations whats what pisses me off

Now what pisses me off is that you got to deal with these f*ckheads while doing your regular paying Job and you got to now be paying to fix the damage up to your teeth. Australia has become a dumping ground for trash this is why

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 18d
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There enough tech in the cab to ID the f*ckers?

Four cameras. Two inside the car, which film each side of the interior. Two on the roof - one on each side, facing outward, to photograph people as they approach the car.

Plus audio recording.

It's pretty comprehensive, and very, very tightly controlled. Only Dept of Transport can access the footage, and it must be for a police request or serious passenger complaint. The only time that the footage leaves DOT is when it goes to police. Taxi companies don't get access to it.

WA taxis have the most thorough camera setup in Australia. I can't figure out why other states haven't moved up to the same level.

As well as identifying assailants in cases like this, they also identify and confirm driver misconduct. If a driver says something dodgy (ie sleazy remarks to females, charging for false tolls) then the audio records it.

It creates a sh*tload more accountability for drivers. I'm a lot more careful with what I say these days. Very few passengers are aware of it, but the guy that thumped me will eventually find out all about it.

With the bloke that thumped me on Friday night, the police will get the photos and the audio recording. We also stopped off at a hotel, where these guys tried to buy alcohol after midnight (and got knocked back). There is camera footage at the hotel as well.

He'll get located, arrested and charged. The police will show him photos. If he gets a lawyer then the lawyer will get the photos, and advise him that he can't deny the hit. Defend it if he wants, but better off to plead guilty, take a fine and try for a spent conviction.

Someone strangled me in the car back in November. Thanks to the camera footage he had no way of denying it. He pleaded guilty in court this week and got a $1500 fine. Also got a spent conviction, which is a shame. He's a FIFO, so money's not the problem for him - a recorded conviction would have been. But, at least he got busted and will hopefully not try the same stunt again. Thus, accountability.

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Spent conviction is a policy that belongs in the bin, if you get caught once then get spent conviction instead of Jailtime, that person then commits crimes and what if they don't get caught for like 5 crimes they commit after the spent conviction but only get caught after the 6th crime and this would not happen if Jailtime is put first., you can easily see this spent conviction means nothing and is actually a f*ck you to the public.

Edited by Z2TT
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Glad it wasn't worse for you Phil if it was you vs the bunch of them. Still looks pretty bad.

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