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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I've been doing some stuff of neurological pathways and stuff lately and I find how the brain works fascinating in cases of addiction and behaviour

I have no formed opinions as I don't know enough but interesting

Ffs taptalk ead

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your thoughts Fluff , because as there is a really good discussion to be had.

There are a few questions that I feel are key to peoples conclusions including

the medical profession. I still believe there is more we don't know than what is

truly documented as undisputed proof.

1/ Genetics are we born like we are or are we created?

2/ Upbringing and a plethora of supposed other causal factors.

3/ Soundness of the sample size in some some "endorsed best thinking"

4/The billions that drug companies invest to "shape findings"

5/Are researchers doing pure research or manipulating data?

These are just a top of mind thoughts. Does an individual truly have an

addictive personality or does a person make a mental choice.

Personally I would say this is a personal choice deep down.

What that masks and how someone deals with it will vary.

why, who , what and how still remain constant questions to me

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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It's so difficult to sum up all of those issues and tbh most of them I have not formed an opinion on yet as I don't know enough.

And the things I have an opinion on are way too long for me to write at work on a phone lol

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uhhhh :ermm:

get back in ya kennel......you know I don't like you at all so why even respond ya farkwit

Nah, BenDoCo , Your mate is seeking some kind of atonement by doing something positive.

That is good if he feels good about it and stops the dark thoughts

Zero to do with an addiction IMO. More a coping mechanism.

Exactly right Buf. There is something going on in his life that is / has caused this -- addiction.

Since joining a certain fellowship many (many) years ago, I have learnt that when doing something becomes compulsive and interfeers in living life, then you have formed an addiction.

When a 'newcomer' walks into the fellowship, I usually send them this link

His (Brians) "seeking some kind of atonement" (whatever it is) has, over the years caused this --> "horrible feelings of dread and doom until he does". <-- that is the addiction.

When ever I think I'm losing control of anything in life I question myself honestly and try to change my behaviour.


When I felt like I was loosing control - I used to drink Tex (and nothing would stop me)

It has taken me quite some years of not drinking to re-train my brain to do what you do...................A much better way to live that's for sure

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get back in ya kennel......you know I don't like you at all so why even respond ya farkwit

:finger: because I can. Bit reactive today, eh?

Edit: also... don't see how much you like me or not to be relevant to what I'm allowed to post on on a public forum.

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