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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 7m 11d
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please, starting something new is hard, starting something extra can be harder.... If u think doing 9-5 gets you anywhere your dreaming, just like the retarded oldies who think the base super will be enough ....

Not looking at you keify but most of Australians today think they are owed it and are flat out lazy khunts, been there seen it all before, I used to be that apprentice that hated trade school also, but I also had the "last of" the parents who gave a fook about there kids and told them how to get up and do it or you will have nothing !

Seen so many lads start an apprenticeship to let it go because its "to hard" to get up in the morning, total soft cocks who then go off to the workforce to be chumps who claim = no sympathy from others who are getting on with it rain/hail/shine , others who get more qualifications to further them selves or do a 2nd job to get that deposit for that house

By no means am I some old school knob but I know when u gotta bust out the overtime for the sake of getting ahead while others think its vastly more important to go play soccer or sleep in on a saturday

Then claim poor at the end of the week because they got no money for "smokes"

Please if u cant lift, u deserve to be on the floor

Very rarely do people not get a "chance" to make something of them selves but choose to pass because its to hard....

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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LOL @ the notion that solely hard work get's you enough money to pay off more than a single mortgage in a lifetime.

Keep living in your bubble, mate.

Also, I'm not looking for sympathy.

That's where so many have it backwards ... U don't pay for a whole mortgage ... U pay the repayments and get the repayments worth in rent back so u pay fark all out of your own pocket... Don't have to even pay anything of the principal if u don't want coz effectively of property doubles every ten years Ada General rule other then the last economic down turn and even then it's now climbing back... Then you've just made your house price in equity back and the repayments have just paid themselves for a decade. Eg 200k house now worth 400k and u haven't paid anything Really for it for ten years ... That's a lovely 200k sitting in a property for u to either sell and get cash or use in equity to buy another place and watch all of em grow.

Hey is not for everyone but it's not rocket science and smoke and mirrors either. I earnt 34,000 per year when I built my first house, on my own, if I can do it so can most people. Just saying

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  • less WHY; more WOT
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I agree with 99% of what J@ said there.

Most of the things you said, Fluff, pertain to either having existing capital (already have a financial advantage) or building in the right area (luck).

It's equally likely that the property you purchase can halve in price every 10 years (or less), which puts you at an even worse position, especially if you've paid no principal.

Edited by k31th
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  • I <3 Floods
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I'm with J@ there.. And again not looking at you Keith.. We're well aware you bust your hump..

Still a big believer that there is a certain element of 'luck' to some people getting ahead.. Be it taking the right risks at the right time, being recognised as a hard worker at the right time etc..

Some industries (and yes IT is one of these) there are very few jobs where people get properly recognised (eg: advancement opportunities) for the effort that goes into it..

Even I can admit my career has been a few gutsy calls at the right time, seen by the right people. I'm lucky to work in an industry where you get recognised for effort and the end result.., not for 'playing the game'..

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Wealth creation is not rocket science.

It's just hard work, pulling your head in and living within your means, a concept few people these days seem to understand.

Be frugal.

Question every dollar.

You can still enjoy yourself but make sure you get bang for buck.

10 years of that does wonders.

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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 7m 11d
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amen !!!!

god knows how many times ive had to say "I cant afford it" but not like when my mates say they cant afford it, when they say it they have literally $3 in the bank, not being able to afford it is vastly different to being but skint broke.

the amount of times I missed out on "getting wasted" at the pub is a joke and I should hand my balls in but on the same token those balls have got us moving in the right direction sooner than "others"

if people are complaining about stamp duty prices on their third house its actually a positive .............but still allowed to complain none the less ;)

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  • I <3 Floods
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Life in general is pissing me off. Work's been real stressful...which I normally deal with fine, but I guess just with everything else that's been going on it's getting to me and I'm wired as, I'm not sleeping very well and so I'm constantly tired which all adds to the stress...gah, need a break.

Haven't had a holiday since September last year (1 week).. Spent that week on stradbroke Island with a laptop responding to RFI's on a 40m tender package we'd just released..

Just got told no holidays from now till March.. Ironic sine my boss is in Melbourne for a week off and another boss is on a 3 week fishing trip.

Mate I know what it's like to usually be able to cope with work, but it doesn't take too much extra stress outside that to push you close to burning out.. Especially if there is uncertainty about your job/love life/ finances etc.. Those will break most people..

If you can take a break, take it.. Even if you don't get away.. Put the phone down, don't check emails, sleep in a couple times and have a want without worrying if the dude in the bunk under you can hear..

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