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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Member For: 16y 5m 27d
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  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

Here in Perth we have a lot of Irish people these days. The ones that have arrived in the last few years also have a bad reputation for drinking too much, with a resulting bad attitude. The taxi world hates them.

Here we go again with the usual drunk Irish arrogance.

Couple in their 30s. Not kids.

The woman vomits and gets most of it into her handbag. But not all.

I get them home, see the mess on the back seat and tactfully explain that they need to pay for some cleaning time. By law, that is currently $48.10 per hour.

They refused to pay anything. Send them an invoice, they reckon. Ah, no... these things get sorted out and paid for at the time.

The husband goes into the house, returns with a towel, wipes the food chucks off the seat onto the floor and reckons that he's now cleaned it for me.

Total arrogance. Dares me to hit him (I had positioned us so that the taxi roof camera was filming us, so I was actually hoping that he'd hit me and cop an assault charge).

I've explained nicely that I've done the right thing by them, including not kicking them out when she was vomiting 18km from home on a country back road (ie Waikiki to Byford).

Nup, they've gotten home, gotten what they want and I can piss off.

The bloke dared me to sue him. Done. Time to go brush up on the minimum requirements on what used to be the Small Claims Tribunal years ago. Reckon the car might have to spend the entire day tomorrow getting shampooed and steam cleaned (ie lots of hours before the seat dries x the hourly rate).

Getting a few dollars out of this moron couple will be good, but putting a black mark on their credit record will be nice revenge. Forget about getting finance for six years.


Birthday tomorrow.

Done a bunch of work on a previously crash-damaged Ford Falcon XR6 Turbo ute over the last few months. Did an all-nighter on it this week and now this thing is coming along real nicely.

Figured I'd grab the KTM enduro bike and head down to Augusta tonight (where I grew up). Go find some of the old tracks that I used to ride in 1987 and get all nostalgic.

Been thinking about this all week and am now very, very, very keen on the idea.

Mum's birthday the next day (she died 10 years ago) so stop by the grave, etc.

Sleep in the back of the ute at least one night. Aussie bloke ute & bike couple of days. Oh yeah.

Better get the KTM out and do an oil change.

Then I remember.

This week I took the header pipe off to get chrome-ceramic coated. Not going anywhere today.

Meanwhile, the Centrelnk Inc house next door is going at full noise. Four kids screaming at full decibels.

Wishing that there was some sort of amnesty where we could commit murder on our birthdays and not get prosecuted.

Lloyd Rainey (supposedly killed his wife and beat the murder charge) lives up the road. Need to stop by and have a chat... get some lessons.

Maybe I should just do a letterbox drop for the street late one night, falsely alleging that there's a pedo in the street and to keep kids indoors?

Nah, that wouldn't work... the moron next door wouldn't care.

Fug it. We need an exchange program here. For every drunk alcoholic Irish f*ckwit that Ireland sends here, we send back a Centrelink kid.
The bloke who drives my taxi for day shift is moving house. Wants me to help.

I’m generally a fairly helpful sort of chap. Except for helping people move house. Nup.

But the XR6T ute is starting to run really well. And I wanna drive the damn thing somewhere.
On my taxi GPS (TomTom 730), I have all the fixed-location camera locations saved. I've then set it to make alarm sounds when I get to 250 metres from each location. Damn good idea.

I have spare TomTom 730 that I keep for whatever personal car I have (currently XR6T ute).

A quick flash of light on Thursday night reminded me that I hadn't added the newest camera to the personal GPS.


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Pin em Phil!

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the only thing I bought of the wreckers for my engine conversion was a steel fuel line for $100 . all good till saturday night ,smelled like a petrol leak . was unable to see where it was

. went to the cooroy car show and on the way home stopped to get rid of a annoying stone in the tyre . could not find the stone in the tyre but noticed water leaking somewhere

,thought a well air con water . sunday night I smelled petrol again , looked under the car and saw fuel dripping from the fuel filter (I thought ) said to my self I will tighten it on monday .

after work got under the car to tighten the fuel filter but it was tight as . I cleaned the fuel line and noticed a small mark in the line . so decided to turn the engine on and that's what I



might get better fuel economy now that I am going to fit a new genuine fuel line for only $35 of ford . wreckers are $100 .should have straightaway bought a new one

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That's living Ralphy! It's even worse when you sacrifice a weekend and they push the meeting a week because the head honcho's corgis died..

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