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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Hey dude.. I went through the same thing..

Wasn't spending enough time at home because I was more interested in making us as secure as possible.. So the second I started spending more time at home I wasn't earning enough..

Some Women.. You'll never keep em happy..

Onwards and upwards mate.. Not gonna talk about fish in sea or any of that crap.. Just enjoy yourself for a while..

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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Yeh man that's the plan. I was spending time with her, going out a little bit but giving her space, all that jazz, its a seriously fine balance. If relationships are that hard its not meant to be I think! Good chick, just not the chick for me I guess. When your views on life differ that much its always grounds for arguements, I dreaded the whole holiday v business conversations. I barely did anything on the business side because she would come home from work and want me to pay attention to her, which is fair.

But I barely saw mates cause she lives with me, and not alot of friends down here because shes from like 3 hours away, so I was reluctant to leave her at home knowing shed be bored sh*tless and I didnt wana do that.

that's the plan mate, no going off the rails and going on drug/booze benders every weekend just cause im single, just gunna chill out, work on this job a little, I go to indo in OCT so should be able to relax a little there! :)

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I hate reading this stuff so bloody hard.

Just last week at work we had an emergency CAT1 (category 1) caesarean from getting the phone call we had the mother from the maternity ward onto the operating table asleep and babe out with 15min.

Sad to say after working on the baby for over 45min the doctor had made the call to stop and at the point the room went quite. The worst still was yet to come, telling the mother who is waking up in recovery and telling dad also. that's the doctors job.

I didnt sleep much that day because you start wondering, what if.

its human nature to over analyse traumatic situations and think what if. Hindsight can be a utter b1tch sometimes. But in the majority of situations you will always do the best you can, given the conditions. No amount of training can prepare you for some incidents, especially the "full on" ones. I know its hard, but sometimes you've gotta leave your job in the changerooms, go home after the end of a shift, and try to forget about it.

no going off the rails and going on drug/booze benders every weekend just cause im single, just gunna chill out, work on this job a little, I go to indo in OCT so should be able to relax a little there! :)

chuck your feet up matey, live the single life (bow chicka wow wow) and a newbie will come along when you least expect it!

maybe a full body wrap when your over in indo, you dont want to bring back any extra baggage in your pants....

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I wasnt prem and I grew to a massive 5'9"! yes ive heard every short joke in the world, plus with a name like woody ive heard every dik joke aswell as anything to do with toy story / buzz lightyear haha.

WPMO..... done with the GF. apparently im selfish. Selfish becuase I wont fully commit to holidays she wants, because im trying to set up a nice cruisy life for us by doing the right thing and getting into property/business. Holidays can come later, but noooo not for her. Im not wasting my money on a holiday to come back to nothing, im setting us up ( well me now, she didnt see it like that though )

Ah well. She is young (20) maybe she needs to experience things and grow up a little. She can find a boyfriend that only works 2 days a week and wants to travel, with no intention of making a life for themselves.

Sorry for the rant boys, wasnt an ugly breakup by any means but needed to vent faarrrkkkkkk!

That's a tough one Woody. I can see both sides I guess, although I've "wasted" a bunch of money on travelling etc I've farken loved every minute of it and have some great memories and experiences from it. Like you said though, she's young and so I guess your priorities in life are different. Not a bad thing, just the reality of it all really. I had the same thing with a girl I was getting to know once. She was basically my perfect girl, but timing was wrong and we were in completely different places in life unfortunately. In the words of Bender "When push comes to shove ya gotta do what ya love...I am Bender, please insert girder." Get out there any enjoy yourself mate!

Also, on the prem birth thing. I was born 6 weeks prem, induced actually...otherwise both mum and I were going to die. I'm not overly tall, 5 foot 10ish.

Edited by .Stripes.
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Yeh but its also packing plus 700rwhp so it could have Chinese women running on a hamster wheel for all I care lol

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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when I say waste I dont mean its a complete waste of time, I mean more so that I have higher priority for my money at the moment. Travelling is definitely something I wana do, just not right now. Like it would be a waste for me spending money on another fg right now when im 6 moths from a deposit

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