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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Like healthagenix (pisstake) and have a good laugh at the posts where they mimic what people post but its exaggerated somewhat aha

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I'm currently off the carbs (pasta, cereal, rice, potatoe and bread) and with a little bit , and I mean little, of exercise , I'm dropping about 1-2kgs a week.

Stir fry veggies and meat or omelettes or steak for dinner

And bacon and eggs for breaky but not every morning is doing it for me.

I have a wee bit of sugar every now and then as a treat.

Sh!tting bricks though lol

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  • I <3 Floods
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Always got told cutting carbs completely was not great for ya..

So I used to do a limited carb intake.. Mixed with a carb 'curfew' (ie: no carbs after 2pm).. That worked out well..

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Yeah, well since seeing my dietician I've been eating from my meal plans for 2 weeks now and have dropped about 4kgs...with very minimal exercise. With that, my meals this week included bread, lasagne, ravioli, curry with rice...yummy. So I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything as I'm eating the things I enjoy. Feeling a sh*te load better both in body and mind too, so I'm happy :)

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  • I <3 Floods
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The mind part is amazing when you clean up the food intake.. If you saw my desk at work you'd be surprised I'm not dead.. From where I'm sitting I have:

Pop Tarts, Chicken Crimpys, Le Snacks, fruit loops etc..

Surprisingly It's all just sitting there for a while lately.. haven't actually eaten much of it..

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I'm just doing this short term to drop a few kgs and then slowly introduce carbs in a couple of weeks.

I did this beginning of last year and lost 14kgs over 2-3 months.

I only need to shed about 8-9 kgs this time as I fell off the wagon for the while!

I like my veggies so I eat heaps of them.

Yeah no carbs after 2pm is the secret to keeping it off.

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I did the whole low carb, high protein dealio a few times...shed weight, but put the weight back almost just as fast as I lost it. I had to make a change of lifestyle, otherwise I'd keep cycling and that can't be good for your body with rapid weight loss/gain like I was doing. Plus I like food too much haha. So I'm taking the slow and steady approach that will teach me better habits and actually has professional input, rather than what I read on the back of a gym supplement box.

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  • I <3 Floods
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^^^ This guy has good advice..

It's about permanent lifestyle changes and maintaining diets.. Not fad quick loss diets..

In saying that I've got nothing against people trying the fad diets to shed weight as long as they are prepared to make serious changes at the end of it..

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Its all a load of sh*t isa,herba, whatever the next ones called.

Massively exaggerated weightloss figures, and even in cases where weight comes off instead of 12-16 weeks sellers say 'in just 4 weeks using said product' in reality perfect diet and gym dedication etc.

It really steams me off.. that and its a pyramid scheme business model making the lower class distributers scam their friends and family for a small profit of the overpriced supplments while the higher you go the bigger the cut of that cake is, theres like 10 stages.

The products must be worth next to nothing but packs are over 300$ a month its fkn ridiculous.

Im on facey wallopin on with all the sheep posting their sh*tting products on the local buy&sells.. arghhh go and get a real job ya gribs

They must be hypnotized I had a friend always jabbing himself now his found herbalscam and he feels better then ever.... it's so bad I've had to delete him off Facebook

The only thing I take aside from protein is my purple pills


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  • Member For: 10y 10m 2d
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The problem these days is that there's carbs in everything.

Our bodies weren't designed for what's on the menu today.

When I look back when I was a kid it was fruit veg meat carbs all about even but now with all the choices!

Years ago processed food was more expensive than your basic food, now it's the other way round, processed food is very cheap and easy to come by.

And it tastes to DAM GOOD !!!

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