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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Still being awake at 3:20am and knowing I need to get up in an hour and a half to go to the airport...seriously, fùck you brain!

Edited by .Stripes.
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WPMO - just realising that it's only Weds and not Thurs

No wonder the kid looked at me funny when I said there was only today and tomorrow left of school before the holidays when I sent him off this morning.

Will be his turn to be pissed off tonight when I tell him it was my miscalculation of the days and not my acceptance of his request to have Friday off "coz they never do anything important on the last day before holidays"

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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Anyone trying to pull your turbo/cooler off in the driveway on jack stands, DONT DO IT. pay someone to, so worth it. I spent the last 2 afternoons/evenings pulling my turbo out not once, but TWICE because the first time it went back in, after alot of cursing and yelling, realised the turbo had spun slightly so nothing lined up. Turbo out again, turned it back to fit, back in again. Not fun by yourself. So many cuts and scrapes on my hands, not to mention dropping countless bolts on my face while under it trying to do the banjo bolt up. Oh, and I hope people are patient, because the oil line uses a 19mm spanner to put the banjo on, which conveniently is nestled down next to the manifold bolt, so it only turns MAYBE 1/16th of a turn before it comes out then back in again to do another 1/16th turbo haha. That, mixed with struts that dont hold the bonnet up and working in a dark driveway, spilling coolaant on my face while under the car, made me a very pissed off bloke.

To top it off the girlfriend had a lovely work trip down melbourne, I had to pick her up from the airport. She got angry when I said I was 20 minutes away (at 8.45pm) when she said she landed at 9pm just cause she got in early. I said I was working on the car and had to come straight up after, of course she got cut at that. But if I work on the car when she's home she doesnt like it cause im not spending time with her. Just cant win with farken females! after the day I had she copped an earful and safe to say it was a very quiet trip home, inconsiderate little sh*t

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one word: paragraphs...

I know that feeling all too well... I replaced a turbo CHRA and putting it back together didn't quite go back together how I expected it to due to the same "spin" you experienced here. I even marked where it should go with permanent marker... too bad the marks wore off under the duress of me holding the turbo so tightly to get the exhaust housing bolts loosened in the first place :)

The 2nd time (or any time thereafter) you pull a turbo off, it is much easier...

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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paragraphs are for people with plenty of time :busted1: haha nah I should have stuck a couple more in there.

yeh dude I marked it aswell, somehow didnt line up. Have learnt heaps about how things work and go together though, so that's one positive. Was pretty tight to get off initially, but a rubber mallet helped. When I say rubber mallet I dont mean bash one side either for people that are gunna try this, that's the best way to wreck your turbo.

I had my brother hold the rear housing and I tapped at even intervals around the compressor side until it popped out. TAP, dont BASH.

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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  • Location: Wollongong

I tend to lose strength after a tug, get all relaxed and jelly like, how the heck do you get strong enough to pull a turbo apart?! :nyaah:

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