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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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Ok I'm still a novice as far as mech knowledge goes, but am a sheetmetal fab by trade so willing to have a crack at this sort of stuff

I guess there would be a thread somewhere covering it, cos I'm going off topic in an off-topic thread = no good! :offtopic:

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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Is it towards the start of the threat JET?

Don't worry mate if I can do it (I'm a telco specialist) I'm sure you can

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Towards the end

Wanted to have a crack and iam still using it currently on my bus but its a very sensitive item because if u take out to much boost is slow n sloppy but if u don't do enough u still have the overshoot of boost so ull have to do it again

Getting them spot on every time requires a repeatable boaring device such as a mill or drill section but you still want to maintain the "flat" part of the round hole by the base of the flap as that has its purpose

So the short of it is we only ever did one with the die grinder and yes it did work

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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My dump is a split dump so hopefully it'll behave.

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  • WOT?
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WPMO - ignorant f/wits in the school drop off line

The line works brilliant (given the tight road/busy street) when used properly, but no - some parents need to have a good minute chatting with their kids once they stop the car before the kid gets out and they drive off. Surely whatever you had to say to your darling could have been done over breakfast, in the car on the trip to school or it can't have been that important.

Stupid blonde yesterday thought it would be a perfect place to start sending sms's and checking her phone - never mind the 4 cars behind her who had managed to say "goodbye" to their offspring and were now stuck behind her, or the traffic on the main road that was now banking up because of the hold up she was creating.

How hard can it be - drive up, dump the kid, drive off.

Don't want your kid and their friends to see you getting abused in the drop off line - don't be a dick in the drop off line

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