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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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I've always wondered about that. I work in mining but don't do night shift. I feel sorry for the blokes coming off night shift having to have bacon and eggs for their dinner after working all day. I mean the food we get for dinner isn't exactly amazing, but at least there's some variety in it rather than bacon and eggs everyday...

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I was at a camp in Hedland a few years ago can't remember which one but the food was amazing!! Massive selection of different things to eat all hours of the day. I was only therefor a 2 week job though I guess it'd wear pretty thin after years of it

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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STILL cant gain weight. Tried everything. I fluctuate between 65-74Kg depending on wether im trying to put on size or just cruising. I guess my bodys natural weight is more towards the lower. ounds super skinny, but im only 5'8, and I dont think I look that skinny. Currently at about 3800 calories, sounds ridiculous for my size I know, but its seriously what I need to eat. Time for a test cycle I think....

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had same problem years ago.. Was working a physical job.. Eating massive amounts and working out alot..

Couldn't crack 75kg myself.. 6'3"

Then I got government job..Sat on arse all day.. Cracked 90kg pretty fast.. When I got into exercise again it was so much easier to stay big..

I think my metabolism was just over zealous when I was so active.

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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had same problem years ago.. Was working a physical job.. Eating massive amounts and working out alot..

Couldn't crack 75kg myself.. 6'3"

Then I got government job..Sat on arse all day.. Cracked 90kg pretty fast.. When I got into exercise again it was so much easier to stay big..

I think my metabolism was just over zealous when I was so active.

I am pretty phisically active, just frustrates me when guys can stick 10kg on in 6 months haha.

I work on the railways.... haha.

Nah this job is nothing like what people think it is... We actually get flogged with unrealistic deadlines. Because everyone abused the job and was lazy for so long, now they treat it as a private comany, where we are constantly having to prove or worth to keep our job. They will get contractors ion to do our work at the drop of a hat. Nothing like the 'good old days' that the older blokes tell me about, going to the pub at 9am haha.

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  • WOT?
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A government job where you need to actually work

What has the world come to?

Surely there's a union that can fix that travesty?

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