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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • I <3 Floods
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Getting to site..

And apparently we aren't working tonight..

Complete lack of well anything means they called it off and didn't tell anyone..

f*ckers are getting charged for a full night..

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Social media is here to stay it does matter what we do now its not going away. Its not just Facebook, Twitter and instagram or other place I just don't understand. It's also Fordxr6turbo.com, Australian Ford Forums and place ive never been or heard of.

I ask how many Facebook friends do you have? 54

Are you on Twitter? = NO

Instagram? = NO

Edited by Pixy Angel
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  • I <3 Floods
  • Silver Donating Members
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I ask how many Facebook friends do you have? 236

Are you on Twitter? = YES (Seriously check out Adrianne Curry and you'll understand why I have twitter.. largely because my wife doesn't have twitter)

Instagram? = NO

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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I don't know why but I don't put any of the forums I use into the social media category

Am I just in denial?

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  • I <3 Floods
  • Silver Donating Members
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  • Location: South West QLD

f*cking politics..

Working on a big job.. Very politiky..

On a project level I'm almost at the top of the ladder.. On a politikal level I'm sitting about the bottom rung.. But realistically my arse is still in the dirt..

I'm not a representative of the politicians 'reference group'.. As such I am not allowed into those meetings.. So it's my job to brief a select few associates of members of the 'group' and in turn they brief the member of the group who then have to convince the group that it's necessary or there is a problem, who then brief the politicians that something needs to be done..

I'm not allowed to view meeting minutes, or write the actual reports that get delivered any higher than the group.. So the 'group' writes a report based on my report and uses that to feed the politicians and accountants.. So when questions gets asked in higher up political meetings, NO ONE KNOWS THE f*ckING ANSWERS BECAUSE THE TEAM PAID GOOD MONEY WITH THE EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE PROJECT TO ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS ISN'T ALLOWED IN THOSE f*ckING MEETINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So since the questions can't be answered it either 1) feeds back down the ladder to be answered and we delay the whole process by about 2 months or 2) they scrap it completely because in their mind if can't be that important if no one can answer it.

Reasons things cost multiple millions in the government compared to hundreds of thousands in the private sector..

Chinese whispers extreme.. Basically the order of briefing is:

Engineer briefs Personal Assistants

PA's brief their boss

Their boss brief's the group

The group elects a PA to write a report for Higher levels of government.

What could possibly go wrong when a technical profession briefs a friggin daily planner.. No offense to them they are good people.. it's just a stupid system..

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  • Sucker
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TL;DR...Panda needs a hug

But yeah can sympathise. Go through a similar process here doing due diligence, engage consultants at eye-watering expense to provide a half-arsed answer because they have far less understanding than the qualified people employed in the company that live and breath the sh*t on a daily basis.

Frustrating as fck, but satisfying in the end when you can solve everything with relative ease and a snide remark or two. :original:

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