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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Member For: 12y 11m 16d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth

Honky nuts! :rant2: When I went for my first proper drive in the GT through the hills the other day a fukcen honky nut either dropped out of a tree or got flicked up by the car in front and hit rather hard into my bonnet. Made one hell of a bang! Mate and I looked at each other and cringed, got out and had a bit of a look but couldn't really see anything...thought I might have gotten away with it...

Fast forward to this morning; old mate's finished up putting my new stripes onto the car and as part of his final check has a good look over the bonnet and turns to me and says "what the fukc is this?!"...,my heart sinks..."FAAAAAARK!" Turns out the bloody honkey nut had, in fact, dented my brand new bonnet right along the line of the bulge. Two tiny little dents and a bit of a mark where it had hit. The fact that my paint protection was booked for tomorrow presented a problem...so I called up the PDR guy I'd used to remove some dents on another car and luckily he was around and was able to get the dent out for me. Good outcome you might think, given it now means paint protection can go on as planned. Yep, that's true...but the spot where the honky nut hit was tucked up right close to the frame inside the bonnet, so it rubbed a bit and bent some of the frame. He's booked me in next week to pull the bonnet off and fix it all up and paint the inside of it at his cost which is good...but fark me what a root around :tear2:

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