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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Also my folks were never together my entire life (except dad stayed with mum and I on home detention for a month or 2 after driving unlicensed too much and getting thrown in the slammer...that was a weird feeling having them both under the same roof at 17). They were always civil to each other and I knew they both loved me. I spent a year or two with one and then the other, usually when things got tight for mum financially I'd head off to stay with the old man and step mum/step sister. Worked well I think, I don't imagine living with parents that argue with each other all the time would have been as good for me (or them). Kids pick up on that stuff very easily and I'm sure it colours their own relationships years down the line.

It would only be a risk if you thought the other person would take the kids and split to another state or something, not sure how I'd go if I was facing that. I'd certainly be on here asking for advice!

Edited by -SteveR-
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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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I know I'm doing the wrong thing here......quoting from directly above........but feel I need to, to emphasise how right you are Steve

I don't imagine living with parents that argue with each other all the time would have been as good for me (or them). Kids pick up on that stuff very easily and I'm sure it colours their own relationships years down the line.

oh boy did it ever............................

Edited by BenDoCo
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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Life is farking difficult, more so for some than others. Just have to try your best to be good to your friends and trust they will be to you too.

Also a quote I quite like, points out you don't have to expect to make the right choices the entire time:

"Experience is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and the lesson afterwards"

Edited by -SteveR-
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  • Sucker
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On a slightly more insignificant note, twice today some rude bastard has come along just at the right moment and barged in to the elevator that I'd been waiting a few minutes for, only to select his floor and remain standing in front of the buttons like they are a valuable possession that needs shielding.

The second time my boss was with me and he almost wet himself at my over-reaction.

If it happens again it'll be like the episode of Rake where the cock hits the button at the lights after he already clearly has. Inconsiderate stupid rude fckers need some educating.


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  • WOT?
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4 things I should do today but can't be arsed starting on.

No other work in that I can do to put them off further.

Have already done a lunch run, shop run, coffee run - might have to crash a computer so I can rebuild it instead of starting those 4 projects.

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  • less WHY; more WOT
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On a slightly more insignificant note, twice today some rude bastard has come along just at the right moment and barged in to the elevator that I'd been waiting a few minutes for, only to select his floor and remain standing in front of the buttons like they are a valuable possession that needs shielding.

The second time my boss was with me and he almost wet himself at my over-reaction.

If it happens again it'll be like the episode of Rake where the cock hits the button at the lights after he already clearly has. Inconsiderate stupid rude fckers need some educating.


There's a certain amount of public transport common sense processes and unspoken (and unconsciously agreed-upon by the vast majority) rules. The people that break these need to have their head caved in :)

Refer http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-7-worst-behaviors-public-transportation/ & http://www.cracked.com/blog/8-inexcusable-behaviors-public-transportation-part-2/ & http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-unspoken-rules-public-transportation-everybody-breaks/

EDIT: no HTML makes me sad... lol

Edited by k31th
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Hoping so mate. Lots of problems at the moment hence no update on the cruise as of yet. Not sure how confident I'll be driving it up there if I haven't had enough time to iron out any potential bugs.

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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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Me in left lane Merc in right lane. The car in front of Merc wants to turn right so Merc dives left.

I have to brake. Not flat out but with some force. I then sound my horn. He gives me the finger and speeds away.

I wanted to unspeakable things to him. Rude arrogant old f*ck.

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