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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • WOT?
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WPMO - All of a sudden everyone seems to think it's fine to send me requests to sponsor them for their charity fun-runs, shaves, book drives, tea days, group hugs etc.

I'm not talking about friends - but business contacts, clients and suppliers.

I'm sure your cause is a valid and just one, but come on... spamming it to your entire contact list is a bit friggin rude.

You want me to be charitable on your behalf and help you get your totals up and make you feel good - the least you can do is call me and ask.

If you don't think it'd be appropriate to call me and ask then why the hell would you send it in an email to everybody you've ever dealt with?

Hell - my son has a readathon every year and I feel bad asking his grandparents to chip in. Maybe I've been doing it wrong. Next time I should put the hard word on a bunch of random business contacts to put up the cash.

Yeah - your chosen charity is probably a great and wonderful cause, but most people have their own - keep the requests to donate to personal contacts you feel comfortable to ask, not people you wouldn't usually ask how their day is going on the rare occasions you call them.

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that's BS raband its just a lazy way for asking like you said doesn't take much to pick up a phone or come in.

So link to donate page out of the question.......lol.

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  • To Loud
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Last day of unemployed bliss..start new job tomorrow.

10 months 2 days gorn in the blink of an eye. :omg:

So hows the first day of work? ready to quit yet?


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To bloody right I am...

No morning nap

No arvo nap

Brain is absolutely frizzled from all the crap I took in today.

I'm strung out something kronik... :omg:

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