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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • loitering with intent
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  • Member For: 21y 5m 2d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Zombie Birdhouse

the National broadcasters reporting of diffusion and not fact.

The ABC is funded by the tax payer not the Labor party or other leftists

Talk about one eyed and refusing to call it how it is.

What scares me is that people see it as "our ABC" to form their opinions

and political leanings.

eg. Political bias , just listen to the tripe and staging on Q&A , Barrie Cassidy, Leigh Sales( sells her labor arse)

Just look at the way conservatives are interrogated as opposed to the favorable set ups and leading questions afforded


Dare the ABC mention muslim extremists in acts of actual terrorism and just say " we cannot confirm at this stage"

when every news agency on the planet sees the same footage ???? and calls it actually how it is !

A lot of people rely on balanced reporting of the issues of the day by the ABC to shape their personal views

both here and overseas. The international broadcast ABC v Sky contract gifted to the ABC by Conroy despite Sky's superior

submission is a case in point

Balanced it is not , as above for the SMH

Don's stooge hunter panties as I already sleep in the cape and tights.

I do however need a bigger pouch as the panties only read stooge.

Maybe some ABC socks to endow me further


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