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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Sucker
  • Moderating Team
  • Member For: 20y 10m 18d
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  • Location: Brisbane

To steal my mentor's usual line...a big f*ck you to dementia. It's up there with that other bloody insidious disease that destroys lives and takes too many decent people far too soon.

Was a beautiful story on the ABC news tonight about her. RIP Hazel.

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  • Member For: 13y 9m 27d
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  • Location: Burwood, NSW

Old bobby h has lost is better half, had a good innings though

wonder if he had a few beers tonight?

Why is the road in a stupid place?

umm because there is a tree growing through it? :fishing2:

edit: wpmo


what happened to leaving a bigger gap rather then slowing down from the already painfully slow pace most dickheads drive on our motorways?

Edited by The Outsider
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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 9m 27d
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  • Location: Burwood, NSW

Come to QLD.. f*ckers speed up when wet..

Only half do in Brisbane...the other half slow right down to a crawl. Makes for an interesting combination.

I bet that would make for some interesting commutes.

muppets around here do 10-15km under in clear conditions

20-30km under if it starts to sprinkle

and to top that off every one slams the brakes on as soon as they see HWP on the side of the road even though they are already doing well under the posted limit!

and this is all with no car is front of them while in the right hand lane.

very hard not to have mini rage episodes when presented with this.

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  • Sucker
  • Moderating Team
  • Member For: 20y 10m 18d
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  • Location: Brisbane

That reminds me of fixed speed cameras in NSW. Up here people stick pretty much right-on the speed limit or maybe slightly under, in NSW if you're not doing at least 20km/h under the limit for about 2km either side of a camera then there's something wrong.

Is that because you guys don't trust them or is it just good old-fashioned stupidity?

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 9m 27d
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  • Location: Burwood, NSW

Is that because you guys don't trust them or is it just good old-fashioned stupidity?

id say stupidity but I think im biased.

here is some proof to back it up

looks like its chaos on Sydney roads today, all because of a bit of rain


don't get me started on the fixed cams lol

one I go past every day is in a 90 zone on the M4.

leading upto it is exactly what you describe, everyone going well under the limit for around 1km before it.

nevermind the fact the cam has not been operational for around 12 months because some gov review said it was not effective at reducing the road toll.

Edited by The Outsider
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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Going out to buy batteries (btw getting in and out of cars isn't the easiest at 9months preg)

Ringing your electrician husband to ask what size they are and him tellingn u d... U telling him u think they're c can be check ... No no they're def d....

Get home... They were c

Lazy I <3 Bananas didn't even get off the couch

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