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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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  • Member For: 16y 9m 28d
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  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure

Which pedders did you go to? If it was midland I can literally see the face and smell the BO of the person whom I believe to be responsible...... :sick:


Almost gone now I think. You know it's bad when you rock up at 7:55am and there is already BO smell in the front of the shop!! Should open a stall selling nose plugs and magic trees next door, I'd make a killing

Buff that's sh!t news about getting keyed dude :'( I'm lucky I have no paint to remove but I can imagine I'd be very devo too if it happened to my baby.

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  • Turbo Noob
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  • Member For: 11y 11m 28d
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  • Location: Adelaide

Been sitting at home with an old man or alcoholics disease for 3 days! I'm not either! Gout. Anyone who's had it full blown, would know how furked it is!

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  • Member For: 13y 1m 11d
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First skid was good :)

Second skid wasn't as kool!

Leaving the speedway pinging 3500rpm third gear lol

Lost 2nd and 4th :)

Luckily Dave warrants the box :) so all I'm up for is a couple of hundred to remove and refit...... Not really pissed as sh*t happens and it could have been worse.

Does show how much luck is really on my side......

Edited by Kosij
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