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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Member For: 13y 10m 16d
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Apparently I am a cheater for not cheating on a friend's friend. When I show proof of my innocence I am still not in the clear. Not sure if I should actually cheat on this chick now with said friend or just tell her to go get 'you know what'd'.

Also something stuck under the left shift key is annoying the hell out of me.

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  • Member For: 18y 5m 13d
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Girls are all mostly the same^^

Did a poo,, can't remember when I ate corn

Edited by freeze_dk
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  • Banned
  • Member For: 17y 10m 13d
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Where ya going to henry?

Coming across the border the cops sit between the hwy divide at tweed near the tunnel, treat every break in the hwy median as a possible camera spot (look for the green X on the left)...serious!!

You are looking for maroon/blue/black mercedes vitto vans they get ya coming towards them so by the time you realise its usually too late or any grey/silver/dark blue/brown hilux or rodeo utilites with a canopy sitting on the side of the rd with its indicator still on.. also they drive civics/accords/jettas/golf gti's/f6 310's and black Maloo's just a heads up !!

Do not speed on the M1 especially through yatala and the overpass at loganhole (ipswich motorway turnoff)it has cameras behind it so observe the 100k limit there or you will get mail ..

Also the clem 7 has at least 5 cameras in it now ....

fark it take ya front number plate off just incase anyway... but be aware the tunnel and the overpass snap ya from the rear


Edited by XR6menace
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