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The What's Pi$$Ing You Off Thread


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  • Member For: 13y 9m 21d
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  • Location: Burwood, NSW

realistically I asked whats the lowest he will go..as you see in my message I said I was trying to haggle him,not low ball stooge..difference is he wanted say 400,I would have givin him 350..don't think that's low ballin..and buddy watch your mouth there's no need for name calling on the forum understood!

oh I see, so calling someone else a cockroach is ok but when the favour is returned you get upset?

ebay is not there to haggle over unless they list it as best offer.

I recall you getting all internet tough guy on a mod on here just a few short days ago, seems like you learnt nothing.

you want to threaten me and carry on like a child, so I understand perfectly well what kind of person you are.


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oh I see, so calling someone else a cockroach is ok but when the favour is returned you get upset?

ebay is not there to haggle over unless they list it as best offer.

I recall you getting all internet tough guy on a mod on here just a few short days ago, seems like you learnt nothing.

you want to threaten me and carry on like a child, so I understand perfectly well what kind of person you are.


yes mr he did have or best offer but its besides the point..I wasn't threaten you ,I called you buddy! clearly you cant read sarcasm too well...and me saying the "no name calling understand " bit was a quote from the warning post I that you obviously seen the but hey as I told the mod earlier really don't give a rats behind what people think of me..you aint my mate,nor will you be...

alot of other members on here that are decent enough to sit there and not judge individuals especially when someone has posted something in general..

its a forum get over yourself.

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Being an immature 20 year old! Planting your foot on the first rainy day of owning a T, dumb idea!

tsk tsk tsk

I warned you about that in another thread, you gave that same advice to him.

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  • Member For: 13y 9m 21d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Burwood, NSW

I wasn't threaten you ,I called you buddy! clearly you cant read sarcasm too well...

ok ill make this as nice as possible and this will be my last post on this matter.

you watch your mouth buddy!

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