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My Enforced 6 Month Holiday...:(


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  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 18y 2m 11d
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The story starts about 4 months ago......I caught a dose of the wog.....felt like crap, weak as a kitten....

Lying in bed and thought I was gonna spew.....jumped out of bed, got halfway down the hall heading for the bathroom and just passed out.

Went down on my right shoulder on the floorboards....missus woke up and helped me back to bed...

Didnt notice much at the time but from then on my shoulder started hurting whenever I tried to lift my arm above my head or put it behind my back??

I'd throw a chain across the deck of the truck 5 times and on the 6th time it'd hurt like hell.....so I just figured.....just harden the f*ck up and get on with it!

Eventually it gets so bad that it disturbs my sleep too......so off the quack who sends me for some physio.....she pokes and prods and tells me I should see a specialist...

A specialist???.....when am I gonna get the time to see a specialist ffs?....I work 12 hr+ days......every day!

Take a few hours off and go see him....

The specialist does the poke and prod thing again, bends my arm into all sorts of unatural positions then tells me he thinks Ive torn a tendon....no worries he says....only one day in hospital and 3 months off.....3 MONTHS????....your kidding right?......I can tell by the look on his face that he's not....

He says he wants me to get something called an "MRI" scan so he can get a better view by X-ray?......what's an MRI scan?...

"Oh' its kinda like an X-ray where they inject some dye into your shoulder and take X-rays to see how much damage there is that's all".....

I didnt think much about it till I rocked up for it and the nurse pulls out this little syringe and tells me shes gonna give me a "local".....Im thinking this is a piece of piss...

THEN....the doctor pulls out this syringe about the size of a horse needle and sticks it into my shoulder joint!!.....

Fast forward 3 weeks later and were back at the surgeon's rooms.....he smiles and greets me and asks how I am?.....my reply was something along the lines of....."that depends on what your gonna tell me actually"....then he stopped smiling and I knew it wasnt gonna be good news....

He tells me Ive not only torn my "rotator cuff" (doctor speak for a tendon) 2/3rds of the way off the bone but theres other damage in there as well!!

And...because of this he's got to revise my recovery time......to 6 MONTHS!!......but he tries to sweeten it up by telling me theres a 90% chance of success....

I ask if theres any alternative?...he says only one....and I brighten up a little...

You can let it go and just do a bit of physio.....but eventually your going feel a really sharp pain in your shoulder.....that's the tendon coming right off the bone.....then you'll find that you cant lift your arm any higher than your waist....then you'll be back to see me and I'll have to tell you that your chance of success has dropped to 60% and the recovery time has blown out to about 12 months+!!...... that's about it....ugh.

Obviously, Ive decided to have the surgery......when I come out, Ill have my arm strapped to my chest for 6 weeks and then the physio starts.....with a bit of luck, Ill be healed enough to go back to work in 5-6 months but meanwhle its gonna drive me nuts......ever tried brushing your teeth with your left hand?

I tried the other night and nearly choked myself to death!.....getting dressed, cutting up food.....not to mention the boredom aspect.....

jeeesus, I could go on and on....at least Ive still got one free hand to wipe my bum..... icon_rolleyes.gif

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  • Member For: 16y 3m 18d
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Sounds like hurting.

Done damage to rotator cuff before when I hit a dog at 120 on a bike. About 12-18 months of physio and hydrotherapy plus gym.

Edited by Paulie2256
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Had shoulder surgery a few years back, repairs to the rotor or labral suck. 6 weeks in a sling and then the rehab, the shoulder stays very stiff for weeks out of the sling. Painfully slow recovery.

But you think one arm in a sling is bad try both wrists severely communiated breaks plaster and splints for 6 weeks. Couldn't even go to the toilet without help let along wash/eat/dress.

Good luck with the surgery hope you got your Foxtel subscription up to date.

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  • Turboless
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Far out that's a real unlucky fall on your shoulder. Makes me feel a little lucky with my broken wrist when I fell off the roof (standard 2.5m high wall) at work. Milked the 10wks of workcover and enjoyed it lol but 6months off no work cover and even more limits...man I feel for you lol. Good luck and hope its a better recovery than expected!

Only thing I'm good at on the left..hammering lol most other stuff all over the shop haha

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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Mate if it makes you feel better I broke wrists when I was 13, along with a few ribs and what not. Couldn't bend over to wipe my own arse for 3 weeks hahahahah

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  • You've changed man....
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that's some bad luck mate.

I was expecting similar news when I finaly went to the quacks after 6 weeks of exactly the same symptoms as you.

Told me arms by side then lift out and up as high as you can. I couldnt even get it horizontal.

No bending or prodding, he sent me straight for an ultrasound.

Long story short, we were both surprised to find no tear in the tendon. Just fluid build up (birsitis).

Its been around 10 weeks now and its still very painfull in some positions. But I dont care, I still consider myself lucky as I was prepared for the worst.

Thing is I dont even know how it happened. I just woke up in pain one morning. Maybe Mrs Freaky bashed me in my sleep.

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I fell off a roof about year ago, I fell 1.5 story's landed half on ladder and half on the concrete. I slipped off the roof tried to stop my self, but I ended up taking the ladder with me and fell off and landed on it. ( started to rain and I was trying to close the roof tiles) I landed on the high point of the ladder on my lower back. Knocked my self out and woke up with my legs feeling sorta funny, In pain all over. Started freak, my mate ran out and checked on us helped me up. Walk away lucky with no broken bones, concusion and damaged spinal ligaments and etc I think I was lucky

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Bad luck mate.. Got a mate who just had a shoulder reco last week. Had a 17cm tear in the rear and a 5cm tear in the front, all from wake boarding.

I broke my back and lacerated my spleen in Bali coming up 2 years ago now, all I did was slip on wet tiles and go a*se up. Was out for 6months too.

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