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Fg Mkii Custom Fiberglass Gauge Install :)


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Well I thought I would let everyone see how im mounting my gauges in my FG

After toying with multiple mounting options, comparing what was already on the market, I thought I would have a crack at making my own.. Just remember this is only my second ever attempt at fibre glassing so bare with me haha..

I started off with the idea of having something in a position where it looked factory, as well as been different and something no one else would have. I really wasn't a fan of the top mount ICC ones, or the quality of the flat panel ones on ebay. I had this set-up for a week and realised it was sitting to low, and the actual gauge itself was hard to read and the colour's just didn't match the rest of the interior.


After checking on eBay for a replacement part ( $30 ) I was prepared to start hacking up my new car :)


Originally I was going to go for 3 gauges, but I just couldnt see the room to make it work without looking to cluttered, For the time been I will have Boost and Volts. Will go for an AFR once I work out the wiring. I did multiple test fits to make sure the angle was right for the driver as well as giving the passenger something to look at


Then the glassing began, I really wasn't too confident to begin with as id only ever glassed a large area with minimal curves.. After 2 full layers and some touch up areas this was what I was left with


After close to a good hour sanding by hand and filing, I had got a rough shape of what I wanted so a few more test fits I was happy with the fitment, In the first picture you can see how angled towards the driver they will sit



Then moving on, more sanding before I felt I was ready for Filler Primer.

5 coats later, Majority of the imperfection left from the glass were gone, I had never used this stuff before but it works a treat.



It's now day 3. Im waiting for my last coat of Primer to set ( Currently 4 degrees outside ) so wont be touching it now for at least 24hrs, Then will be on to 600 wet sand, 1500 wet sand, then time for some Paint, more Wet sanding, Paint, Clear, Wet Sanding then a buff and should be super smooth and glossy :) My aim is to match my other Gloss black/Carbon look interior plastics.

Sorry about the picture quality, Majority of this was done at work, or at home. Once it's finished ill get some with my DSLR to really show of the finished product

Edited by fletty
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Where have you moved the starter button too ????

Think youll find its an Xr6T so it has no starter button

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only prob I can see with it is the low location- hard to keep an eye on it when its most needed- when the throttle is wide open and your eyes are stuck to the road...

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