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My New Turbo.


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Well the dreaded fringe benefit tax got me big time. 10k the first year! Long story, but it sucks. Just because you want to own a sedan. Anyway I bought this ripper. Its exepted, because it carries a tonne. The list is getting very short now.

Got $30,000 for my 50th G6ET with 36k on the clock. Yeah I know, should have sold it private, couldnt be farked. Got a good price on the Ranger. Dosent quite have the power of the Falcon! But its awesome and its the same colour as my G6. Im lucky to have got it so quick, deliveries are for next year now. Made in Thailand! I wonder what Ford plan for the Falcon!!

I asked the staff if they were stressed about Ford in Geelong sacking heaps of staff. They all said, ''Na, its only the Falcon we dont sell any now, we will still sell cars" "We havent sold a XR6T in ages" '' People arent buying big Aussie cars much now, just a few reps, and most get Toyotas, Hybrids etc""

So the days of the big Aussie sedan may be numbered? They said people would rather buy a Terroitry for the same price as a Falcon. If you arent after HP, it makes sense? They didnt seem to concerned about the poor workers at Geelong! Funny about that.

So unfortunatley we now have nothing in common but owning a Ford. Its a sad day. I might still throw in the odd annoying comment. Later, Im off to buy a gun rack and confederate flag. Yeee haaa!! :launch:


Edited by tuono
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  • Tampon inserted, Auto Acquired, next purchase a new handbag
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My old boy has the same. Brought it first week out. With the auto they are great to drive, and go well for such a big car.

Wheel fitment is a PITA of you want to change them though.

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Great cars the new rangers, I took one all over melbourne and through the 4x4 proving grounds they are unbelievable off road for a factory vehicle. Assuming you got a diesel get your dealer to torque up the high pressure pump bolt ASAP, had a couple let go timing jumps

Edited by bionicxr6t05
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  • Tampon inserted, Auto Acquired, next purchase a new handbag
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Boinic, you break any manuals? There a problem to aren't they?

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Yeh duno what your on about lol, henz the manuals have shifter linkage problems, new a frame and bolts have been released to fix the problem, when I drove them they were horrid but most have been fixed now havent seen one in for ages, have had one sh*t a pcm and a few throttle bodies as well but other than that they are good

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