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Dsc Issues On My 06 Bf Xr6T - Steering Column Misaligned


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are your tyres the same size, front to rear?

Nope, they are different, but pretty standard in regards to what most put on our cars, 275's on the rear and 245's on the front. Rolling dia's are different, but have been measured and programmed into the ecu by Ford. Like I said, this problem was identical with the standard wheels which where the same allround and as per factory

Yep they can contact tech hotline but this is a last resort and if a problem as intermittent as this appears to be fixed there is no reason to take it further, you cannot monitor the self test as such but can self test the module on demand for any hard / stored faults which obviously will just turn up the steering angle fault, they will need to follow the diagnostic procedure listed in the workshop manual then go from there, may be abs/rcm module internal fault

Id say the same issue happening like clock work for near on a year isn't intermittent and Il will be pushing for it to be escalated as far as possible.

Its ludicrous that Ford can sell a car, that has a system that when not functioning properly the customer has to fund their guessing and part throwing exercise. Is the diagnostic procedure for the customer to just keep opening their wallet?

I don't intend on throwing 1 more $ at the car if they cant guarantee me a fix or at the very list a plan of attack if it doesn't work, Id say 12months of putting up with their sh*t is enough

We arn't talking a modified 30 year old car!! We are talking a pretty new car, that only Ford have the hardware and "know how" to fix. I cant take it to another mechanic, no one else can talk to the electronics or understand the system to fix it!!

Not to mention, when first calibrated, the car was still under factory extended warranty!!!

Edited by Ale
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different size wheels front to rear can not be programmed into it, just 1 size can be entered, it may have absolutely nothing to do with it, but put the stockies, clear any codes and drive it for an extended period of time

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different size wheels front to rear can not be programmed into it, just 1 size can be entered, it may have absolutely nothing to do with it, but put the stockies, clear any codes and drive it for an extended period of time

Thanx mate, I will ask them again exactly what they did in regards to the tyres, but I had the actual tech who worked on the car ring me personally and confirm tyre sizes with me, He had me ring my tyre guy and get exact rolling dia's from the tyre catalogues for the tyres. The calibration error started as soon as I purchased the car, showroom spec

Plenty of other cars have the same tyres sizes with ni issues. I could understand if the DSC bugged out straight away cos of the tyres sizing, but it doesn't!!

At some stage, something comes out of wack enough to throw the error.

Ive googled the sh*t out of the symptoms and no where at all amongst all the Ford stuff on the net has anybody had the same issue. Whispers of early BF's and equivalent Teri's having steering sensor failures and random glitches have come up, but they've been random and complete failures which where fixed with new sensors or wiring loom replacements. I don't think this is a faulty loom, its not random enough, its like clockwork which is why it angers me so much that Ford cant pinpoint it!!

Has to be a component is corrupt or broken, just have to sus out which one!!

again, many thanx to all!! Il update 2morro after my visit to Ford

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Just got back from a visit, as suspected they are reluctant to give out any garuntees. They have pulled the actual code out of it and will get back to me today with a price to go through the official Ford diagnostic procedure listed in the workshop manual and go from there.

ratter: you where right, only one wheel ssize is in the ECU, closest match to my rearss.

Boinic: the tech told me you can get a scan tool on ebay that will do all the stuff their factory one will do, Im assuming you work at work, any chance you could link me such an item if it exists?

thanx guys!!

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The hanatech scan tool has the oscilloscope, signal and voltage generators also, but does not do software updates and can lack some programming features that the genuine ford has, but is a $8k item

but does many other makes and models rather than being a ford only tool it appears to exceed what the snap on stuff does according to some local shops that have the snap on one.

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Yeh theres a shop near us that uses that hanatech one but they still sublet alot of their ford diagnostics to us... Maybe they dont know how to use it im not sure... Ids was well over 8k but that comes with a few other vehicle measurement modules and pressure transducers and shaft balancing equipment... It really is a good thing just gota know how to use it properly, alot of dealers dont even know how to use datalogger properly

Edited by bionicxr6t05
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