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Cool Stuff You Just Bought

Ralph Wiggum

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I agree in the most part - the 360 spherical is pretty gimmicky


As mentioned above - it's the turning it into 2d video withe the ability to frame it from the 360 FOV that got me interested.


No need to worry which way the camera is pointing - worry about all that later.


The stability in the video is bloody unbelievable (check out when I go over the speed bumps in the car park below)


Looking forward greatly to trying it on the drone - no need to worry about lining up the shots and fly at the same time - the camera picks everything up.


1st go at editing below - maybe spent a couple of minutes editing on my phone - didn't review it, so errors are all beginner ones.

turn down the volume (I need a sock for the mic or music to add)

I "forgot" to recenter the video after I got it to track the police cars and buildings - still have original footage, so can go back and re-do any bits later if CBF'd


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The camera does it all.


It's got inbuilt sensors, gyro etc - I chose the angle and view I wanted from the camera and it kept the focus on that.


As it's taking a 360 view all the time it's able to adjust what is shown quite well.


I can turn off the stabilisation on playback if I want and it'll play like it was on a fixed mount.


The mount for it for the drone turned up today - hopefully will get to have a play over the weekend :)

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that's so cool. I liked your earlier 360 video too. I'd show the wife but she'd spend the entire drive watching your dog.


I like 360 video. A gear reviewer on YouTube took a 360 cam to NAMM (National Association of Music Manufacturers) a while back. He was walking around the convention centre with the camera on a stick and viewers could swing around to look at the guitars and stuff that they wanted to. I used the wifie's Samsung VR to watch it and it was almost like looking around myself

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  • WOT?
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  • Location: Frankston, 3199

I've definitely got to spend some time working out how to edit the video once it's captured.


For some things the 360 allowing user interaction is great, but for most of what I'm hoping to use it for a 2D 16:9 video would be more appropriate.


On the cars the 360 wouldn't be too bad as the "home" view would be set much like a regular GoPro, but would allow following of the scenery or other cars/views/angles etc as they interest the viewer, but a simple video with some direction would be the more usual.


I know from watching 360/3D videos myself, I end up turning the cam all over the place, losing interest in whatever the person filming is trying to show and not bothering to watch it much longer of it.

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