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Cool Stuff You Just Bought

Ralph Wiggum

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65" 4k HDR TV just turned up

(bought as a refurb from Sony - <$2k for a $5k runout model)


Beer, couch and movies are on the cards for tonight ;)

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17 hours ago, arronm said:

Min manufacturer rim size for that tyre is 10.5.  Recommended 11


FAIL and possibly illegal. 

Way to big, 1200 level touching rim though not touching tyre...... nit picking dipstick.


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Getting confusing...!

I believe arronm knows his sh*t in this area and all the googling I did backs him up, 305 is bloody wide for a 10" rim.

But can't argue with proof, looks like it fits ok on yours.

Having said that I've read on here and elsewhere that invos are a 'narrow' tyre, I think there's a bit of leeway for manufacturers as far as physical dimensions go. Done a lot of searching and there's plenty of charts like this but haven't been able to find anything like a list or comparison of actual tyre dimensions for for the same spec across different brands.

Maybe I should start a thread....


@arronm do you have a pic of the 285 invo on your rim

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I did a comparison between my previous 305/25 Mich pilot which was 308mm tread width.

Then the new 305 invos which are 305mm tread width.


Now the invo tapers off about 4mm over the last 15mm on each side of the tyre due to a 10mm depth of tread in the middle, which @arronm pointed out as buldge....


The new Pirelli corsa on the w1 which is a 295 measure 304mm tread width but cost $800 a tyre. 


My old goodyears were a 295/30 and they measured 297mm tread width.


The kuhmo ku31s I just took off were a 285/30 and measured 276mm tread width.


that's the 4 tyres ive had on the car since putting the 20s on.


Some tyres have a thicker rib to give the rim some protection, the Mich pilot sat about 5mm wider around the rim edge but tapered back in towards the tread.


Hope that helps a bit mate.

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This arrived from Korea today and no I'm not going deaf! It's kinda like a hearing aid and claims to have a frequency range of 20~20KHz.



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Yep. I'll try listening to it raw, modified to fit the block and/or bosch sensor, and that should be good enough cos I have a good ear from years of musical ability.


I'll also record what comes through so I can narrow down exactly what frequency the knock and also the harmonics happen at as well. Depending on how it sounds in my ear I might knock something up (hehehe see what I did there) to filter out some noise through the earpiece.


I don't think I'll go so far as datalogging it with the tune cos; 1) It would need a more precise inline filter than I already mentioned to isolate the knock frequency for logging that I cbf setting up if I don't need to, and 2) I can get a very good idea where any issues will be in the tune based off rpm and timing logs. Wot tuning is easy so no need to log it. I may end up doing that though.


Tl;Dr: Yep.

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