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Cool Stuff You Just Bought

Ralph Wiggum

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The wife went out and bought my Aldi ramps today while I was at work.

She had to go to 3 different stores to find them but well worth the effort


They fit perfectly but may need a bit of rubber on the bottom to stop them slipping on my painted garage floor.

Not bad for $20 each

I'm very excited atm because I'm waiting on a very very cooool piece of kit for my XA Hardtop

I can't go into it atm cause until I've got my hands on them, well it hasn't happened.

Hopefully Monday or Tuesday so standby for some ultra coolness

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I left my car sitting on them all night, cause was to lazy after a few beers.

When I did role car back this morning I inspected and there was no stress mark or the like on them.

I'd be happy to use them to lift car no probs while working on it.

I will put the jack under for secondary precaution and chock rears.

Cause you never know!

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I spot unblemished Phoon 18's. Jealous.

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Well I promised something COOL and here it is!


A set of Quad Weber 48 IDA Carburettors for my XA Hardtop.

It's always been one of my dreams to run a setup like this ever since I started playing with cars!

Now Webers are COOL most of the time but this setup is even COOLER!!!



I've been looking for a setup for my Cleveland for quite some time.

But what you see before you is a piece of history.

This is an early 70s weber manifold to suit the famous BOSS 302.

The BOSS 302 was a hybrid engine using a Windsor block and Cleveland BIG PORT 4V heads.

These manifolds are extremely rare in America let alone in Australia.

The Webers are also early 70s models Made in Italy and are themselves quite rare.


The manifold is a SHELBY BUDDY BAR casting and there weren't many made.

When I saw this setup I just had to have it.

I will be building an engine around this manifold.

There are many advantages of using a Windsor block , they are about 30-40kgs lighter than a Cleveland and are also significantly cheaper to build as well as a greater selection of aftermarket parts.

I haven't settled on a bore and stroke combo yet but the range is between 302-370 cubic inches.


I've always been a fan of the BOSS 302 because of Allan Moffat's famous red Mustang.


Allan Moffat's Mustang was a BOSS 302 and ran this exact same manifold and Weber setup.

This car was up against Aluminium Big Block Camero's and other exotic race cars but managed to win 101 races from 151 starts.

The BOSS 302 also won the American Trans Am championship.

Too say I'm stoked to get my hands on these is an understatement.

I bought them from an old guy who bought these brand new in the early 70s and he ran them in a Bolwell Nagari which he raced and did Targa Tasmania with.

He reckons they'd be lucky to have 4000kms on them.


Edited by "Captain Retard"
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I had these delivered yesterday some leather care for the car.

I used the Poorboys Natural Look yesterday and its bloody good stuff, ill buy that again. Ill do the seats on my days off.


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