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Cool Stuff You Just Bought

Ralph Wiggum

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I don't think this is the case... I more see it as a way for lazy people or fellas with wives who won't let them go to the pub too often..

However all this beer talk has inspired me to buy a carton this afternoon..

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I was always a fan of the heinie kegs for the small pour to keep it colder longer ( yes more refills though ) but agree beer from the tap has the "effect" of better taste

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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the gas that is used on kegs in pubs is to push the beer from keg to tap only and quite a few pubs use a mix or gas and compressed air to do this.

firstly, if air IS used, this will change the taste of the beer (slightly)

Next, like it or not, bacteria grow in the line that the beer travels through to get to the tap - which is why lines should be cleaned regulaly with a product like Bracton that kills this bactiria and unless flushed really well, will also change the flavor...

Have you ever noticed that half way through a glass of beer at the pub, the bubbles have stopped? well you can change that by 'etching' the base of the glass (make sure that all glass fragments are removed)..I used a very long nail.

When you drink from a stubbie, the taste will be (slightly) different because 'light' is beers worst enemy as it breaks down the alcohol therefore if you don't mind paying the extra for a tap king, go for it as there is no beer gas or air pushing it through lines and no light destroying the beer..........

btw, managed the biggest nightclub in da country back in da 80's


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