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Fg Rear Clunk


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Hey guys been driving around my new T and noticed a clunk in the rear end, it sounds like its coming from the right side but could be both, not quite sure.

It sounds like it could be a stuffed shock or bush but can't quite narrow it down and I'm not overly in the know when it comes to suspension (especially bushes).

Basically it can do it at low or higher speeds, mainly over sharp bumps. I also gave it a bootful yesterday and it started to do like an axle hop kind of thing which was weird.

It also has gotten worse going from the 18's to 19's which makes me think its the shock because its got to take more of the bumps now with lower profile tyres.

Any help would be much appreciated because Pedders is all booked up for their $15 suspension check and I really can't be f***** to pay $50 an hour for a mechanic to tell me its all good! Even if you can tell me what to look for in a stuffed bush (and which ones) and how to tell if the shocks gone to see if I can check it out myself!!


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78,000. Just went to Ford and they diagnosed it as being the upper shock bush and control blade bush. So bought them parts from Pedders and going to try my luck installing them this arvo. Anything else it could be?

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Did these 2 bushes and that fixed 80% of the clunk but its still there. The mechanic at Ford said the upper outer control arm bush could be worn (but he didn't tell me that when he put it on a hoist the other day!!) What do you reckon it could be Senna?

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It could be the upper outers - they do go fairly regularly...

Honestly though without hearing it and seeing it there is a bunch of possibilities there...

Check your swaybar link pins and diff bushes too :spoton:

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for the love of GOD


You'll need to anyway. Trust me.

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Trust me I'd love too but its gonna set me back a bit cause I don't earn a lot (uni student), so I really need to way up the benefits vs costs

I never had any issues with the bushes in my old BA xr6 that did 150,000kms so why has my T sh*t itself after 78,000? Is it a turbo thing, an FG thing or just a random not if but when kind of thing?

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